Can we get account wide ignore?

Go ahead, hit me with your worse. In the end, you’re only making a fool of yourself.

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Wonder if it’ll ever be alleged that I’m sockpuppeting… but I have no reason to, other than to just post on my vulpera and point back to this character :smiley:


Don’t feel bad about it,they don’t really care .It’s the forums one slip and you’re toast just obey the rules and be watchful they fish,and bait.


I wish I could switch toons…

But the forums doesn’t want me too.

Haha yea, imagine switching to an alt to just boost your own posts

Whoever this OP guy sounds like a real genius and account wide ignores should be a thing

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I am not sure how you mean here but if you mean namecalling you, I won’t because I’m not like you and that Tauren. Like all things aside, that really did not need to be said. From both of you.

Yeah like I said, it’s a clique in this topic and a lot of trolling. It’s still not that bad of a forum outside your few bits here and there. This one just decided to really ramp up for some reason.


I can but everyone would know it’s still me.


I’m pretty much the same. I don’t really hide myself. And it isn’t that I want to hide myself, I rather be myself rather than pretend to be someone else.


I wish when I got into arguments on these forums it’d be with people who actually argued against what I’m talking about.


Also, it’s funny people want account wide ignores but not a single person who thought I was someone else has once ignored me and went as far as just all that. This is why I said the problem thing because you guys aren’t using the system as is. You rather insult people. It’s so crazy. Anyways goodnight lol.



Pot, meet kettle.

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That’s why I just say if anyone wants to find my alts just look at this characters guild and there they all are, legit, lol.

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You called me a nobody, a fool, a troll and a sockpuppet, and like 5 other people.
Where’s your tap on the hand? :thinking:


so what, you think when someone wants a feature they’re just gonna use it on anyone they disagree with?

Remember, you came into this thread insulting people, you just aren’t willing to admit that you did.


Did I not say I was gonna edit it out?

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And what, that means you didn’t come into the thread the other day swinging wildly?

I mean wasn’t that one of the arguments against account wide ignore one of the goon boys said?

People would just ignore everyone?

Guess that was wrong as well

I guess not, instead you want to insult someone so hard over it.
Like reflect, for real. Own up to your mistakes too.

What other day? Now I’m confused lol.


The rules are the same, but mods are more likely to cut you some slack with relatively minor infractions. Doxxing or revealing someone’s personally identifiable info (real PII, not the Lilithia version) isn’t a minor infraction by any stretch of the imagination.

We are all nobodies here on the forums. Guess what, doesn’t bother me. I aren’t someone special needing special treatment. As I said, I’ve been called far worse things. I don’t make a fuss out of it.


That is not calling you a fool. Keep up.

:thinking: :joy: :joy:

Keep up. You’re now making things up.

That is not calling you a sockpuppet.

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