Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m usually citing the post with the CoC, but I’ve completely forgot about the calling out, since I’ve done it several times and been actioned for it in the past.

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I thought callouts were when the person is not on the topic. You’re in the topic…

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Enters thread, insults over half the people in it

Then acts offended when someone says something lukewarm to them back

The sigma grindset


They dish it out, but they can’t handle what they serve.


All I said was other people were the problem and I get slung in the mud.
I don’t really care if we get it or not but seriously, these last hour of posts I don’t I ever had so much vitriol hate before in my gaming life. It’s kinda funny but really sad if you guys are this mad because of an opinion.

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Trust me, you haven’t seen vitriol here. A number of us here have seen far worse.

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This isn’t a contest, you’re disregarding the fact I was called a nobody because “there’s been worse”.

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Are you trying to lie and convince me, or convince yourself?

Cuz like, its a forums, the order of the messages are still very visible to all

So yea, came in, threw out insults, then acts offended when people dont embrace them with open arms

Grow up lmao


I’m countering your point about what constitutes “vitriol hate.”

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Really, I asked you for proof when you flung accusations at someone else in this thread then you came at me about how I’m a jerk and how I’m as bad as everyone else and how I had said this or that to you and about you despite never interacting with you previously to my knowledge unless you was on another character that I already ignored in this thread so who’s the one here getting so hostile at everyone else?


It does seem to be pretty common with the people arguing against it in these threads.


You mentioned the LGBT and I agree that’s a bad topic but this is not about them it’s about this topic and the ignore function. The moment I got in here I was told I was 5 people and then attacked lol. “You’re the problem” is enough to get me flagged, calling out someones name WITHIN the topic but this:

Is bad.

I’ve already clarified what I mean to you and apologized.

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So calling somebody a problem isn’t as hurtful as calling them a nobody? Is that what I’m reading?


It’s got the elementary school bully energy

Mouths off endlessly but when someone says something back then run crying to the principal


And it’s got the whole pretending that they’re not actually trash talking while they’re talking smack on people.


It’s not that it’s you calling a person name ,it 's against the forum coc. and honestly,they did insult you weither they know it or not with"they".

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I can own up to it but I don’t think I can edit it out if it’s reported. Also the nobody thing is bad, no ones gonna report it thought because this topic is just a clique and anyone who says anything is the enemy.

I just…never seen anything like this before, even Reddit isn’t this crazy lol. Legit just look at all the posts that just happened. I gotta show people this lol!

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Hey, I’ve been called elitist, I’ve been called a toxic person, I’ve been called a jerk, I’ve been been called far worse things, some which can’t mention on the forums. And yet, you don’t see me crying. But then you’re making such a huge fuss over being called a nobody, which isn’t even remotely close to any sort of insult.

You dish it out towards others, then expect to recieve what you served to others. You want to be rude to others, expect others to be rude to you back.

In otherwords, stop sockpuppeting.


No you can’t .There little you can do with it now.

Makes a whole topic about ignoring accounts.

I believe you.

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