Can we get account wide ignore?

Look what the Tauren just said to me lol. Is that not kinda much to you?

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You legit have no right to call anyone a jerk, you just came at me because I asked you for proof when you threw false accusations at someone else, then started about how supposedly I said something when I’ve never previously interacted with you, pick your lane.


Did I call you a nobody though?

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I also didn’t say that, good lord, why don’t you actually pay attention to what I’m saying.

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Right ray of sunshine there


Yeah, well… I just need to look at the flagged post to see what happened. Honestly, yeah it was flaming and was justifiably flagged.


And being called a nobody is okay? What I said is not as bad as that.

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You’ve got it flipped… being called a nobody is better than decrying an entire section of a forum post’s participants as hostile when they’re seeking a better way to control their own experience.

I’ve seen far worse than being called a nobody, just today even.


Real super genius plan there, come in insulting everyone and demand everyone get offended on their behalf when I call him a name.


Not gonna lie I’m still laughing over them acting like I said it and I was like are you even reading what’s being said and by who, I mean honestly I’m just over here like what because most of their replies @ me have left me like that.


I mean it’s better than being called abnormal like over in another thread today.


(post deleted by author)

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It’s the bottom one, labelled ‘Muted’.

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Callouts are specifically against the code of conduct. But do keep citing the rulebook.

Oh, and full disclosure, Séverin is my alt. Had to swap over for fresh flags and forgot to swap back.

No, it’s not. It’s not that serious. Look, we all have our own 2c but that’s too far.
Calling someone a nobody is hurtful I don’t care how you spin it. It isn’t a contest.
You have no idea who I am or my life.

I did say “you all” as in general btw.
Sorry was afk.

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Charming people in some of these threads.

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that’s harder than remembering things :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh yeah, speaking of which, thanks for that reminder. I’ve completely forgot about that.

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And remembering things should be against the rules apparently.


Me too actually, so for that post I’ll actually flag it.

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