Can we get account wide ignore?

Most of us for account wide ignores are also for account wide likes and flags too. Right now a person can also switch to an alt just to gain more flags, leaving the possibility for abuse.


Alt switching to spam flag button is an offense. So I’m sure some here are about to get the hit with a few bans here in a few lol.

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Longer. I’d be fine if all ignores were a minimum of a week. I think the proposed account-wide ignore should retain the current functionality of being able to set an optional expiration, but I think a one-week minimum is perfectly acceptable.

Well, if you do get actioned for switching between alts to flag people, then the lesson is to not do it next time.


It is, although it’s not necessarily always caught. You’re also assuming that’s what happened here. Could also be that 5 different people thought your post was trollish.

But I’m not alt switching. What is with you?

Only 3 people can report for the post to be hidden.
It’s just the same few people reporting. Ayukuma is always one lol.
I don’t believe I was trolling I was using common sense. If that’s not
allowed here then I dunno what to tell ya. Good luck out there lol.

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oh so that’s it ok.

Where is your proof of this, if you are gonna fling accusations you have proof to back it up right?


Where’s the proof that I’m the other people you all claim I am? Don’t like it when the cards are reversed huh? Lmao. Wow.

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Where have I accused you of being anyone?


So none of you can prove it? Just like how I can’t prove (Though note I asked her why she reported it in which she ignored it…HMMM?) So we meet a circle. None of you can prove anything so we can stop the whole sock puppet nonsense. I’m not anyone else you people claimed me to be.

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It’s more I’ve never even interacted with them until right now unless they are someone that I’ve ignored and they changed characters so I don’t get how they even figure when I’ve not even interacted with them until now.


That’s actually really rude to say. So you can call people “nobodies” and that’s okay?

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I just wanted to dunk on the self-important little lizard


That is indeed the point.

Man, you’re awful touchy for someone who came in all big and bad to diss on the people who just want a proper standard forum feature.


For a peson that has very few posts they seem to know what others here do . Makes you wonder if this one too belongs to the sock puppet that likes to use Evokers and Classic DKs

I think we pretty much summed up this thread. You literally just outted yourself to be a jerk to those who aren’t in the same boat as you and admitted to being a jerk lol. Wow. I have not been rude to anyone here.


They can’t prove it. I’m just sitting back with the popcorn, gonna watch there arguments fall back on them.

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Have you seen some of the people spouting anti-LGBTQ+ nonsense on these forums? They’re just one example.


Ah right, I had my numbers mixed up. Each character has 5 flags a day.