Can we get account wide ignore?

Yes thank you. Good for me a person who can ignore someone they don’t feel like talking to anymore and move on from it. I don’t get the snarks because that person has not stalked or responded to me at all since I did not reply back. I did not need a button for this. See? Not replying works, too!

Also, I find it comical that you people who really want this feature are the most hostile people I have seen in the forums in a long time.


Smugness is not a good look. Usually bites you in the backside too.

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I mean it’s hilarious. This stupid thread is just a byproduct of BattleTags that the same 10 “sock puppets” keep repeating over and over despite the Blue dev saying they can’t do much about these forums. It’s been a topic ALL year.

Seriously, take a real good look at these forums, are people really THAT bad? If they were, more people would actually fully ignore someone. Not play this hot pot game of block/unblock all day. Account wide would be pointless because they’ll just unblock them again.

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Boy, someone sure is passionately angry over the concept of account wide ignores


It’s you’re wording my dude. And you didn’t deny it, so…


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I wasn’t hostile and you know it.
Calling you out for trying to shame people who want an account wide ignore isn’t hostile.


I’m fine but most of you just use ad hoenheims. Since I’ve been here you’ve all been pretty hostile.

You can want something all day, it won’t happen and I was giving good advice but again, you all decide to attack me. Ergo, you’re the problems not us.


I’d love a button to ignore everyone on server and everyone in a thread.

Haha, yea man

People sure are hostile the way they call out people lying and contributing nothing repeating the same lies

Some real characters


Weren’t you as Fox awhile ago?

Ew no

I’d never play a vulpera

Are we sure Azurrgos isn’t just Aeondaboil sockpuppeting?

I don’t even know who’s who anymore lmao

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Yes, you are the problem. You’re the reason why account wide ignores are needed on the forums.


I will pay really good money to anyone who can decode this guy’s constant stream of word salad.

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Are you talking to me? I am apparently the Undead toon lady this morning so you tell me. Since you all believe I’m like 5 people as it is. That’s concerning…for you all, that is. Also since you all like to snoop, just use the trick you do with the PvP profiles to find out who I am…aka my own person. Some weird tinfoil hat stuff around here lol.

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You are somehow confusing ‘starting over’ with a ‘fresh start’


In the interest of accuracy and dispelling some misconceptions…

When the moderators review flagged posts, they can see whether multiple flags originated from a single player. If you use 5 characters to flag a post, four of them are discarded upon review. So, yeah… single-handedly flag-bombing a post is a waste of your time, and the moderator’s. If you make a habit of it, expect to eventually get your wrist slapped in the form of a forum time-out.

In case you missed it, I just got flagged because of my opinion.
So yes, the flag system is very abuseable. This is obviously a very sore topic and it’s kinda sad.

Explain to me how I’m trolling or what did I say that you needed to report me on?
If it’s the “You’re the problem” then you should be reported, too, since you said it to me as well. This whole topic is so strange I’ll be 100% honest here.

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that’s if they bother checking and most of the time you have to specifically ask