Can we get account wide ignore?

So, then you have no problem with BattleTags being used on the forums, since it is a nickname we use for our BNet accounts.


That opens a whole new can of worms in terms of issues.

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Care to actual list them, with actual evidence to back it all up.


It was already discussed in the other topics.

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No, they weren’t. It was trolling and toxic behaviour being made by yourself. So once again, list them with evidence to back up.


Dang you guys still going at it

Sounds like you’ve made up your mind about anything I have say anyway, regardless of the larger parties who got your threads shut down.

Besides, repeating myself on something that would be considered off-topic wouldn’t be a benefit for me in this topic.


The way to change that is to provide specific examples where your problems have materialized, or procedures for how to pull off any hypothetical exploits you can think of, with supporting evidence. Note that your opinion is not accepted as evidence.

We have given you numerous opportunities to do so for the better part of the past year, and you have yet to actually provide any. Just nebulous things that don’t actually say anything, or the occasional admission to trolling.


In counter I would then ask for similar evidence of the guarantee that either Btags or forum account ignores wouldn’t be exploited.

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Care to explain how you think they might possibly be exploited in a way that’s not already possible with the current character server setup?

As soon as it can be proven that your proposed solutions can’t be exploited.

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Surely if you’re claim is correct, you would take your option to provide your evidence now, since doing so would disprove the claim that it’s impossible.


I’m sure if you had any solid evidence you would’ve produced it by now to prove that claim of impossibility to be true.

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Doesn’t matter, everybody else does.

No, you absolutely do NOT value your privacy. If you did, I mean, REALLY did, you wouldn’t constantly be spamming your sordid life story all over this forum. Just stop, it’s gross.

I don’t care if you like it. It’s an accurate description of what you’re doing. Nobody, anywhere on this forum, has asked to hear the details of your life. You choose to share that with the world via this forum without being asked. That’s what ‘unsolicited’ means.

If you really believe this, then you need to absolutely keep your private affairs off this forum. I can’t take this claim seriously when you have a pathological need to make yourself look like a victim by relating all the ways you think you’ve been wronged in your life.

Nobody cares.


A bit worried about your forum privileges? Should be. Penalties grow exponentially. The next one will be quite a bit longer than a week.


That’s the other point. You posting anything on a public forum constitutes you waiving your right to privacy with regard to what you said.

You are good at making excuses when confronted with questions that would actually have you answer them. Just answer her question.

Yeah… :roll_eyes: You can’t answer because you know you don’t have one.


if you have a fallout with someone because you say crossed a line and they block you you lost your privilege to say hello… you don’t just get to make a new avatar and pretend like nothing happened

a certain someone on here has done this to me and i don’t appreciate it at all


Well you can just block them again if you find out its them, but my general strategy is to make sure nobody finds out who I am in real life from a community that can be toxic and unforgiving as this one, this community made me what I am,

That said please know I am not in anyway trying to use free speech to justify hate speech and trolling, I simply believe provided people are not breaking the rules they should have their say and people will be less likely to say whats on their mind if they have less privacy.

If someone knew me as lilithia on the forums id prefer to form a friendship without any association with this alt i might admit i was lilithia in five or ten years time once i feel secure and safe enough in the friendship, and feel i wont be judged for something silly i said online. I have that right.

Though i am concerned about the armory i dont like my alts being found out

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You might not but everyone else does and we associate even our own toons with our true selves too.

Now do you really ? I mean you’ve laid out in the past how you have used people then dropped them as associates the have changed toons to make them think you were some one else.