Can we get account wide ignore?

No Ard. You’re just encouraging the toxicity to continue. People in this thread can see right through you.


Ironically, if Ard and friends had left this topic alone. It would of probably faded off already.

Ard, a true soldier and hero for the Account Wide Ignore crusade (or whatever)


No, she got confronted on bad behavior and called out on it.


People can likely see what else is going here too, though I’m not here to light any fires.

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And yet you are carrying a blowtorch…


You’re better off ignoring here . She’s a narcissist and no way in her diluted mind will she ever accept that she is the problem .

If you have a person ignored how will you know if they have better things if their posts show hidden to you ?

All the other Blizzard forums have account wide ignore, it’s time the WoW forums to fall in line with the other Blizzard forums and include account wide ignore. WoW forums has a bypass ignore system and it needs to go.


Because I can click the ‘View Ignored Post’ button to see the post if I so choose without having to lift the ignore.

Couldn’t they still make that possible with a 2 way ignore ?

If either party want’s to see what the other is saying just click on view ignored

But there’s no reason to force the other person to ignore the one ignoring them. If the ignored person wants to ignore the ignoring person, that’s for them to decide.


I don’t associate my forum persona with my real true self though.

Well it’s something I’d do on a forum because there’s no built in thing to message someone privately on here, if there was some way to message people privately built in the forum I’d agree, but generally speaking because we can’t send private messages/whispers to people on the forum I see it as an impersonal space.

No thanks, I value my privacy.

Well I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t believe everyone should get a fair chance to start over, that’s why I said before that I secretly hope an old friend I blocked gets her act together and becomes a better person, I’m hoping they reach out to me.

At the same point, I do accept that the Panda girl whatever her name was that was going off at me a while back may have a point, I might not have that option. As I said the only reason in that instance that I used blocked/ignore was because I would have ripped their head off and called them every name under the sun at the time if I didn’t have the option to block, and that was an extremely rare event as that was actually a real life friend which I almost never do.

I’m a little sick of WoW players using that word it’s very demonizing, it makes people look like stalkers and bullies, I refuse to accept that characterization of my character, now don’t get me wrong I accept that I am not perfect, nobody is, but I reject that characterization of me as a person.

I simply don’t want to live in a world where saying hello or giving a friendly smile to a stranger is something that’s suddenly considered bad. But that’s another issue.

As far as the wow forum is concerned and the issue at hand, it is of course Blizzard’s decision what they want to do, I do think they are weighing up their options carefully, as Blizzard as a company knows full well by now that whenever they come up with something however well intentional it can often backfire, goodness look what happened when they did World of Dailycraft a few expansions ago with MOP, only to go too far the other way in WoD to the point where things in the open world got completely boring,

I think people online should have an absolute right to privacy, I think what’s needed is simply harsher penalties for people that troll racist/homophobic nonsense, sure, but what I don’t want to see is this game to simply become an echo chamber for people with only one point of view, that works in FF14, as somehow that game has managed to sustain itself for half as long as WoW has by being a completely respectful game…as I know we couldn’t get away with half as what we get away with on this forum in that game’s forum let alone in that game itself.

This doesn’t mean I want this forum to change though, as I think if done right, a diversity of opinions and views is actually good for the game…and society too.

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There is a way to have private messaging on the forum it has been done before by someone to me but I have no clue how it was performed.

Oh really? I didn’t know that.

Well…that makes things different.

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So, if someone has you on ignore and you had the ability to PM them. What makes you thing think they want to talk to you via PM if they went through the trouble of ignore you. Damn, that is straight out stalking, you need to learn something about personal space.

What you are wanting is just that. You wanna stalk and bully those that don’t want to interact with you.

There isn’t on the forums. They will have to roll a toon your server, get them to 10 and then send you a tell.


Still searching how they do it. Could be an addon or something.

You aren’t gonna find anything. There is no “addon” capability for the forums.

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So long as your online you can from what I read send /w ,it’s a whisper to your friends,guess you have to be in the game to.

As I said before, my forum persona I don’t associate with my real self, I consider this a much more private/anonymous space than most places online,

For what it’s worth though even if I’m not in the Yes camp (for account wide ignore), I have been learning a few things from this thread, even been learning a few things from some of the people I disagree with strongly…particularly on how to handle someone that I blocked/ignored a while back.

That’s a “You” issue. Everyone else, you and your “forum persona” are one and the same. You can’t separate them.