Can we get account wide ignore?

Because the person doing the ignoring isn’t making any decisions for the person being ignored. If the person being ignored WANTS to ignore the person ignoring them, that’s on them.


I’d take any feedback in this thread with a grain of salt, as the majority here is going to look for any reason under the sun to dislike you for simply being against them.


Well, it’s not like you or Lili or the others have given us any reason to like you. You just keep digging your heels in. >.>

You keep pissing people off and acting like you don’t understand.


I mean, it’s not a difficult search. Despite claiming to value her privacy above all else, your friend has repeatedly bared her soul and aired her dirty laundry, unsolicited, for all to see. She makes it exceedingly difficult to view her in anything resembling a sympathetic or favorable light. She is, in fact a toxic, terrible person, and makes no attempt to disguise the fact.


It isn’t that people hate each other over a disagreement, but because of people such as yourself making such bad arguments, along with such behaviour, and to continue trolling.


Why does there need to be a debate?

Can’t you accept people making up their own minds about whether they want account wide ignores or not?

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Um, you and your “friends” keep pushing the debate.

We are fine with you not wanting it, but you keep coming in with stupid arguments and what if scenarios.

The Undead Mage made her own mess and gives good reason to why people don’t like her.


Well what guarantee do you have that it’ll work?


And yet, you’re the one making it a debate. Any decent person who disagree’d with the idea would’ve just muted the thread and moved on. But you keep coming back to troll the forums. Don’t believe me? Look at your own toxic behaviour to get threads closed off.


Didn’t you argue earlier that an ignored person has a right to see posts of defamation so they could report bad behavior?


Did you say multiple times your here for a discussion? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why do you need a “Guarantee”? It is something we are asking for. Blizzard has already let us know changes will be coming.

But you are content to troll this discussion and try to get the thread shut down for your own perverse self gratification.

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Not lately.

Seems like its just going in circles.

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Did you just change the topic of the reply because you were just proven wrong?


Dude, just put a sock in it, and mute the thread. You aren’t here for a discussion.


Well since I can still post around here I’ll assume Blizzard is cool with me being here.

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You do have the right to particapate in the dicussion, but you do not have the right to troll the thread, as you have been doing.


What’s the issue here? Account wide ignores allow us to ignore the actual person, and not just one of his or her many pieces so to speak.

You just don’t want it because it would put a wrench in your alt hoping trolling ways.


I just gave the Undead toon pouring her heart out some advice and you pounced right on me.


Your confidence will be your undoing. I wouldn’t be so smug. You already had at least one vacation over this.