Can we get account wide ignore?

But, Under this hypothetical situation, you’d know that wouldn’t work.

You just admitted to intentionally using the broken nature of ignores to bypass the function so you can keep talking at someone that clearly doesn’t want to hear you.


As stated numerous times, no one is obligated to provide an ear to your statements. If you are bypassing ignores, you are taking agency away from the people choosing not to hear you.


We all here already know that in their case


Well in that case

I stand waiting


If you need to circumvent ignores because there are so many your opinion is not being heard, maybe it’s because your opinion is consistently bad or discoursed in a bad manner.


This is a public forum, so an opinion should be judged on its own merit not because of who is saying it, I find it a little offensive when people decide for whatever reason they don’t like me so my opinions are invalid, people should judge a statement on its own merit not because of who is saying it


You are not obligated a platform.

You are permitted to speak whatever it is you want to say (within CoC), but no one, I repeat, no one is obligated to listen to you.

If you’re concerned the forum is going to collectively ignore you, the problem isn’t the forum.


Because you are incorrect with your arguments. I mean, lets put it this way:

  • People can already find all your alts, usually with no trouble at all.
  • Blizzard does take a strong stance against harassment between the players, which has been explained to you several times.

People aren’t going to risk themselves in online stalking within a game, especially when such behaviour can also not only lead to account closure, but information can get passed also to the police of the country the person is from, if the offense is extremely serious where authorities are needed.

Sorry, but all your arguments are invalid, because you have been told time and time, and all you have been doing is just making up any excuse, especially when you have been caught out in my thread attempting to sockpuppet.


This is not Australian politics!
Stop bringing in the recent referendum into the forums and treating people on the forums like Australian politics.

And I value mine, but you don’t seem to care about that when you support people intentionally trolling, sockpuppet, or creating post/threads based on hate speech or racism.


You don’t have to change toons to do that . You only have the right to be heard by those that choose to do so . You don’t have the right to be heard by those that don’t want to hear you .

This attitude of you believing that you must be heard by everyone just further proves how much of a narcissist you are .


Well, maybe you need to think about cleaning up your act. Plus no one is gonna find your alts… it just doesn’t work that way.


That sounds more like " I won’t be able to bypass ignores".


That is exactly their complaint, as reading between the lines of everything they’ve posted on this topic makes clear.


They can, but if the entire account is ignored, there’s really no reason to.

They’ve already self-reported on why they’re so adamant against account-wide ignores though; they want to force people to listen to their opinion, no matter how many times they’re told ‘no’.


Nah, sometimes the majority of people get things wrong, and it’s why I won’t break under pressure.

If I choose to be anonymous, that is absolutely my choice and absolutely my right on the internet.

I wasn’t talking about that at all, the ‘yes side’ is just an easier way to say ‘yes to account wide ignores’


Given your history, I don’t believe you.

Plus, there is no us vs them. We all have our own opinions on the topic.

Then you’re on the wrong site to be anonymous.


You are not being deanonymized if reduced to a single posting account. Again, you do not have the right to be heard by everyone, or to do the equivalent of passing a megaphone to another alt to continue to be heard. If someone chooses to ignore you, respect that choice as they would also respect your choice to ignore them.


So, if a Neo you-know-what, starts spewing his garbage, you are say I have to respect his opinion and listen to him? Uh… NO.

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You don’t get to violate someone else’s airspace just because you think you’ve got a cool idea you just have to share. If you get put on someone’s ignore list, you have lost the privilege of speaking to that person. Switching to an alt just to keep talking at this defeats the entire purpose of ignore and just further compounds the problem.


Don’t they realize we don’t need their alts to bad mouth them to others ?

Their actions on this toon alone give people enough to make negative remarks and not want to deal with them . Why would we want to go looking up their other made up personalities