Can we get account wide ignore?

This exactly, chief among them being the fact that to flag it if needed, you need to be able to view the post. And, additionally, when it comes to specific flag choices, Twitter will only act on it affirmatively if the flag originates from the target of the post.


Ok but then if that is the case why does it say when you ignore a person all of their topics and replies will be hidden if you are still able to see what threads they create?

As for Twitter I dropped that toxic hell hole before Musk took over so not sure how their 2 way ignore works.

Hidden is not equated to “completely removed from ability to view”; it’s essentially relocating them and advising that this is hidden content, requiring you to first expose it to see what/who it is.

Thing is I just went to the topics page found a person that had multiple threads and put them on a temporary ignore (later this morning.

After doing so I went to the topics page and all of their topics were removed from the list on my screen .

So once again since theirs were removed from my screen wouldn’t it make sense if it was 2 way any topic I made would not show up on theirs?

Also I know on topics neither makes ignored shows up as view hidden . Ok so someone makes a comment about the other person after viewing their hidden message . Well half of what others say gets quoted by others that casn view it and if it is bad enough the person the comment is about can always go view the hidden message and from there decide what action to take.

I mean, yeah, can see there post, but it will come under as a hidden comment, and except with the opening post of someone you’d have ignored, you can view those hidden post.

Which I don’t agree with the idea of removing the “view hidden post”, as sometimes, people do clean up there acts, or sometimes, they most post something in a different thread that you may agree on with.

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Not been here in a few days, I got busy with life, so I don’t know what’s been going on here, only read the last few posts,

Well no, as I’ve said many times, the simple reason I don’t want it is if someone puts me on ignore then finds out my alts are, they will then badmouth me to other people,

The Yes camp seems to be of this view that ‘oh who would make the effort to go stalking your alts and causing you trouble?’. They are like ‘who would do that?’

Well they can do that, and they will do that. There will always be one person that holds a grudge and tries to cause someone trouble to get even. I’ve had people try and doxx me on other platforms many times.

This isn’t me being Chicken Little, this is quite a serious concern to me.

Of course the Yes side of the argument believes their side is correct and mine is incorrect but oh well.

Sometimes people aren’t trying to abuse their “friends”


Well, because it is lol

There hasn’t been any reasonable reasons given against account wide ignores

It’s been called harassment (doesn’t make sense) witch hunts (doesn’t make sense) stalking (doesn’t make sense) bullying (doesn’t make sense) censoring someone (doesn’t make sense)

So yea, moment the anti account wide ignore gives a reason that makes sense within the realm of reality, I’ll take it seriously


People finding out who all my alts are is a valid reason to me, I don’t want that, I value my privacy.

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I don’t think that’s a valid reason to keep the status quo regarding how alts can be used to flag posts down quicker, or to bypass an ignore. The simple solution would be to have one forum presence, and to choose a referenced character per-post if wanted. Then you’d have direct control over which alts people know are you on the forums.

And how will they find all your alts?


I agree some do and honestly most people probably won’t get ignored by me so not an issue. But bad actors like Lilithia or the TSquad the ones that really make the forums look like

And I’m not asking for the removal of the view hidden posts .

As for initial hidden posts from a person you have ignore not being able to be read , that’s in a thread created by someone else right?

I’m asking because anyone I have ignored no threads by them show on the front page . So if I’m not seeing what threads they make ,how would I know what thier initial comment is or why would I even care?

Because on account wide ignore, if I switch to an alt, it will come up as an ignored post.


We don’t have to hunt for your alts .

Your attitude and posting style gives you away .

You are your own worst enemy


So, you expect them to only ever have 1 person on ignore

And spend hundreds if not thousands of hours scanning through every single section of the forums and every single thread just hoping to find your alts?

Kinda egotistical


That is what I am afraid of, yes.

That is unhealthy paranoia, completely unfounded in common reality.


So how do they do that if you don’t swap to an alt?

This sounds like you’d be the one enabling your alt to be found.


Well the whole point of switching to an alt is so my opinion is heard, and the arguments are judged on their merit, rather than simply getting a bit F to my post because someone doesn’t like me

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you must do this alot to be so concerned