Can we get account wide ignore?

Arguably you’re drawing more attention to it just by talking about it, defeating the purpose of an ignore.

Drawing attention to a problem is, again, unrelated to an ignore. If someone’s being problematic, they should be called out and ignored until they get their act together and stop being a problem.

We aren’t here to police other posters, regardless of what they post.

We shouldn’t encourage bad behavior by pretending it’s not there, either. If someone’s a problem to you, ignore the troublemaker. If someone’s a problem to the forums, then collective action should be taken.

This is one of the reasons ignore needs to be account-wide; it cuts off easy trolling at its source, the player.

Which isn’t fed, if you ignore it.

Warning someone else to not engage a troll isn’t feeding the troll, it’s very much the opposite of that. The problem persists because people get duped by sockpuppets and alts or other trolls banding together to keep the exchange alive.

Again, if I ignore you, and you continue to be a stain on the forums, I have every right to warn others about you too.

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I disagree.

No one has a higher authority here over anyone else.

Aside from Blizzard.

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I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying here.

Scenario: A ignores B.

B starts a thread

A doesn’t see B’s thread: Fine

Scenario 2: A ignores B

A starts a thread

B can’t see it: Problem.

Since this is a forum, an ignore should have no impact on what anyone else on the forum can see or respond to.


What does authority have anything to do with that? It’s not invoking any kind of ‘authority’ to go ‘this person behaves badly, here’s an example and why you should probably ignore them’.

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Call-outs would seem to be specifically enumerated in the forum code of conduct. Retort it and let the moderators sort it out

I find it amusing that those against account-wide ignores make the spurious claim that it amounts to censorship, then out the other side of their mouths endorse so-called ‘two-sided’ ignores.


The reporting system would seem to indicate otherwise.


The reporting system isn’t us doing the policing, it’s giving us a tip line to the people who do the actual policing.


If you are getting ignored for being a jerk, it not defamation “for the sake of it”.


That because the ones that are doing that are normally the ones that are hidden, they pop out of the wood work then hide again. if they wanted to find you they would do so even out side the forums with a block if it were stalking.

Account wide ignore solves one problem but creates another you wouldn’t be able to do BG’s and dungeons,or raids when you don’t have enough folks to play with. Imagine trying to coordinate in a raid with no way to talk to the other because of a simple argument on a forum. We are talking forum not the whole of the game. This is just a means of absolute control of a discussion ,people never get any where if they keep down grading a person in a forum. You can see all the example in this over 4000 post thread.

1: forum ignore don’t translate into game.
2: how many people that you’ve gotten into a forum argument with have you ever found yourself in a group with?


It’s never simple and maybe they would learn to not run their mouths.

And this…


Evening support for:

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide total post count
  • Account wide trust levels
  • Account wide likes

Honestly, all the arguments people are making to be against it is just them wanting to continue with trolling the forums. There really isn’t any other reason.


I can see how that could be abused thou.
Bad Actors (see some above posters lol) would place people on ignore and then proceed to troll those people or attempt to derail the threads without fear of catching reports due to the people they have ignored being unable to see their posts.

Maybe a system that prevented the person blocked from replying/quoting the blocker but still allows the blocked the ability to report valid violations. If a person is just false reporting someone because they are mad they can’t reply/quote them that should be a actionable offense.


Ok a few questions here .
1: When a person is ignored ,aren’t their threads hidden in the list ?
2: If it is a 2 way ignore wouldn’t threads from both parties be hidden from eachother?
3: If thread is not created by either party wouldn’t they show up in the thread as view hidden to eachother?

No, but you can’t view the opening post from such person, not unless someone else quotes it.

That is what people against the ignores are requesting. A 2 way ignore similar to Twitters block system, where nobody can see each other, which is controversial, since there is a lot of problems with it.