Can we get account wide ignore?

They haven’t said anything ever about the forums being perfect. So in otherwords, you just proven yourself wrong.

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why would they need to say they are fixing something if it isn’t broken?

its not broken, so they just leave it be and go about on other business that is more important.

u can just ask them and prove me wrong if u want

For a little back story here…supposedly MY side is the one who gets these threads shut down, lol.
And then we have this crap that has NOTHING to do with the actual topic here…

If you see the thread locked or 404ed, you know what happened.

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts

Are you for an account wide block?

And who ever said something isn’t broken? Please, link to a blue post.

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they havent mentioned it in MONTHS… obviously its not an issue for them.

The troll who has the most posts on this thread will have gotten what they want again?

I’m not sure doob has researched the difference between facts and opinions on the tech tree.

Can you explain your stance?

I was not here at the start and don’t see where you explained it.

I’d be happy to counter-point part of or all of it for constructive value.

Just because they haven’t said anything in months doesn’t mean anything.

You’re the one making such bald claims, so why don’t you go ask them.

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go ahead and just search my name in this thread, you can read it in my posts…
have a lovely day :slight_smile:

i don’t need to go ask them, they havent mentioned it in MONTHS, so it is very clearly not an issue for them…

but if you are so sure that i am wrong, u should get an update from them on it

I don’t think his parents know he is at the computer.

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If not Btags, then what? That seems the simplest option. The arguments against it seem specious, at very best.

The fact that you are too scared to ask them shows that you are afraid the CS will see right through you.

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is that what it says about you as well?

I dont see anything on this forum specifically that would make me think its monetized. They likely arent lining up employees to come put man hours into it, thats for certain.

If they are leaving it up to this third party running it as I think we’ve concluded is the case, Im wondering if its not more expensive to make the changes.
So if you had employees that could do it, its gonna be cheaper than if you paid me to do the same work. Probably 5 times the price to be honest, at least.
I doubt as cheap as actibliz has shown themselves to be, theyre rushing to do anything with this forum that might cost more than a buck fiddy, lol

Oh, Im ok with Btags entirely. I just want them kept so we cant see them in here.

I don’t need to ask. I can read there post, I’m not stupid to think everything will happen overnight, unlike yourself.

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ok, you sound very sure… and i am telling that the post is very old, why dont u just go get a new update from them so you can instantly prove me wrong?

Did you edit this post? Or did I not see it when I responded?