Can we get a free month of game time for all the outages we've had for the last few months?

this is cute. :blush:

you must be new.

welcome to the experience of major patches.


Meanwhile our sub is timed to the literal minute.

I’ve always held the stance that if they gave us time even once a year for when downtime went longer than anticipated that’d be fine and it would be just a little bit of a good faith gesture? It’s not like I’d expect a week, just maybe even two days or so?

IIRC the last time we got time added was WoD when that launch was a steaming pile?


This has been ongoing since July, this isn’t a major patch issue. You should stop eating the droppings they provide to you and demand a higher quality of service.


where does it say maintenance is supposed to be a one day thing?


I know it sucks but its part of running a game this big, if you happen to be the Chuck Norris of coding and can prevent this from happening then Blizz would like to hire you, otherwise give them a break.

If they are not back up in 5 minutes I will just head to the liquor store as usual. :slight_smile:


You should seek help for your alcohol addiction.

I always get refunded for lost services. If you are paying for a service and you can’t access that service you are entitled to a refund. If they disagree, then contact your credit card to do a charge back.

This is one drinking game I wouldn’t want to play.

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I see you’re new to WoW. The answer will be a definitive “no” Save your fingertips any further bruising, take a breath and wait…like everyone else.


Don’t forget to mention this is all occurring after they raised their subscription prices.

I go to meetings in Ironforge, but now I can’t get in :frowning:


All the people responding with “this is normal” probably paid for a year of game time and need to cope.


No they are most likely PAID to run defense against you.

Brainwashed sheep or like I said they are employees trying to block you.

Once upon a time they used to do that by crediting a day here or there when stuff went wonky. Rare, but it happened. Like during the wild days of patch 4.0.5. Some days were handed out then.

Truth is it makes no business sense to give away game time these days when the player base has already peeled itself down to casuals who won’t notice or care and die hard addicts that clearly won’t quit over this.

I’m not trying to dismiss your frustration because clearly this is frustrating, I’m just being realistic.

You pay, at a minimum $14 a month, that’s about .50 a day with that monthly charge. It would cost more to send the .50 to your bank account. Don’t be stupid.


Tell us you’re new to the game without saying you’re new to the game. :rofl:

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I never read the. TOS. Did we sign over our rights to a class action lawsuit for fraud?

Hi there, new to WoW?

Imagine they were.

After paying for expansions and sub time.

And having yet to have their Sunk Cost Fallacy sink in.

Do you think they’d have much reason to continue playing?