Can we finally get playable the high elves?

There’s also no evidence that they are related, and certainly not closely.

So I suppose you’re probably wrong about tauren and elves. Oh well.

So following along this trail, going with Sledgehammer here.

Gnomes, Humans, and Dwarves are the same race.

I dont know that you even know what youre arguing at this point lmao

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Really? They come from Azeroth. That’s pretty related to me, it’s a shared ancestry.

No i do, i was poking fun at Sledge for randomly using “earth biology” in the middle of our convo.

That’s my point, this is where Sledgehammer’s arguments are going.

They don’t make sense.

That was directed at gal :slight_smile:

Your claim. Not mine.

Oh the delicious irony

It is not.

I am using your claim and now filling in a logical argument with it.

This is where it goes.

(For those reading: My claim is that Ren’Dorei are not the same race as the Quel/Sin’Dorei. Sledgehammer has been asked many times to explain HOW they are the same race, I even opened the door to let her use the Shal’Dorei.)

So if humans and elves can breed, and have children despite is knowing neither are the same race, or species in wow, how does bringing up earths biology prove theyre the same race or species?

just curious why sledge brought it up lol

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They did not say they were the same species and youre the one that brought it up

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OH she did on quite a few occasions between 3 people replying to her. Please use Alt+F

This question here is the origin of the discussion.

This is sledge saying that if this was the real world then yes, but those rules dont apply in wow so no.

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I will post in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE TOPICS because HIGH ELF FANS have been asking for this since FOREVER.

I personally could care less, but throw em a bone. Give em High Elves. The shear passion this niche community has for what they want needs to be rewarded. I think Void Elfs are incredibly cool looking, though I also think they’re ridiculously stupid lore - wise. So I can understand how somebody deeply vested in the games lore doesn’t want to touch em.

Too anybody arguing against it using this IPs logic, that ship sailed a LONG time ago. We have Void Elves. Blood Elf Paladins enslaved the light to become Paladins. Tauren can be Paladins cuz “sunns basically a god to them so sure”. Zandalari Trolls are bros with Darkspear Trolls despite their history. We traveled back in time and now we can be Orcs from that time even though we’re in our time even though we altered that time…Shadowlands existed.

And if that’s not enough for you to toss the rules out the window, this will be.

You can play as a LIGHTFORGED DRANEI UNHOLY DEATH KNIGHT. Everything about that is ABSURD. I repeat. You can play as an EXTRA HOLY version of a very HOLY race that DIED but is STILL somehow VERY HOLY and now USES DISEASES and NEROMANCY to fight.

Its time Blizzard. Give these folks their…hElves.


So by her own logic, Ren’Dorei are not the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei.

This has been the point of contention. We’ve just been arguing from different POV to get her to admit it.

I’m right here, goodness. I heard you being my High Elf self.


Humans have bred with elves, are we to say they’re the same species as well?

So here i ask, by her logic does a human and elf breeding make them the same race.

So here im curious as to why earth’s biology was brought up at all to my question lol

How can you both argue your point and then shoot your own point in the foot lol

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I wouldnt say that this applies to that part of the conversation.
But this has taken so many turns i dont even know whats what any more lmao

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