Can we finally get playable the high elves?

So you are admitting you didn’t read/follow along cool.

Sledgehammer’s definition of race: “I prefer to use cultural influences and a shared bloodline, and of course what the individuals label themselves as.” - Sledgehammer

So like, my Tauren labels himself as a Quel’Dorei. He’s a Quel’Dorei now.

I am not doing extremes, I am following the rationale.

I’m not the one who said tauren are elves, mate.

You are.


You quoted yourself… :eyes:

And even if this is word for word what they said, its obvious what they meant. Not the nonsense of combining every existing race.

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Using your definition ma’am, I can say that.

Not with my definition.

Then please, education me, what did she mean? I know 2 individuals who also read it the same way I did.

That’s your claim. If you really find it defensible, I guess you can claim tauren are elves.

I disagree.

You did make that argument. You also said humans were elves.

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Oh? It’s your definition? Why do you disagree? The Tauren have a shared ancestry, cultural underpinning (Arcane Mage etc.), and identifies as a Quel’Dorei.

I fit EVERYTHING you put down, why do you disagree? What could possibly make you go, nah, not the same race?

To clarify she made the same argument to me.

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I mean, i was done, but it is weird seeing sledge gaslighting

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I know it is, I said that long ago but it’s too fun at this point for me.

I get giddy and feel silly.

I said, by Earth’s definition of species, they’d be the same species.

When you were attempting to apply Earth’s definition of species to the discussion.

Since, again, they can have fertile offspring. Like, if you want to be literal, elves get silly really fast.

You’re so funny, you were arguing this before the race definition convo started. You said because the different elf races could breed they were the same, then i pointed out they could breed with humans and would that make them the same? and you said yes.

Are… you okay?

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Context of the post = highelf/bloodelf/voidelf are the same race under different monikers.
And if you take it a step further, high elves come from nightelves which come from trolls.

To say pandas, tauren, etc are the same is just ridiculous. You know what you are doing.

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Lets just forget that Mules and Ligers exist in our world…

Okay, a lil disappointed to see sledge gaslighting and backpedaling now

Well, now I’m starting to wonder.

Because, like… My whole point in that discussion was that applying real world definition of species falls to bits on Azeroth.

And now you’re being like, “Oh wow, Sledgehammer, real world definitions of species don’t work on Azeroth!”


They extended that same logic to humans. Not sure why youre blaming him for that

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Oh no no no. You did not follow along.

I was asking how Shal’Dorei are the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei.

It got there, using the definitions and inability to provide a cohesive argument together.

I merely went where she went.

Because her definition was that ridiculous.

He does.

I do want to get pedantic because I’m pretty sure we have no evidence that tauren share a blood line and they certainly don’t have the same cultural context.

Buuuuttttt if Galathir really wants his tauren to be a blood elf, who am I to stop him?