Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Unfying yet again, is not merging.

Right, what the Horde and Alliance have done a few times. Never lasts.


i agree
more dwarves

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Dwarves seemed to unify quiet well dispite their political differences.

I think you need to think s bit more then keep spouting it as a fact they won’t do anything with such an announcement permanently, cause you know, all thallasians care about qual’thalas as a nation, dispite faction barriers.

LOL who cares.

What is difference between High elves and Blood elves visually again? This is such a bad take.


Squeeze the velfs in there since people insisted to make em look like belfs instead of letting them develop into that void theme.

At this point I don’t see one reason for them to add helfs.

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Elves are different in that regard.

What announcement? Show where they said we were merging and not really just working together.


Stone dwarves. I have nothing against them adding stone elves, or aqua elves. Essentially they wouldn’t be copying anyone.

We all know it’s going to happen in midnight. A whole elf expansion where void elves and blood elves will agree to reform the high elven nation.

Void elves and blood elves will be made neutral and a high elf racial set will be made.

I have no proof to back this stupid speculation but it feels obvious.

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I honestly don’t know how that feels obvious. Ok, introducing another race that is neutral maybe, would be dumb since both factions have their own version of belf, but to take existing faction races and turn them neutral, that sound ridiculous.

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Hopefully if they make mixed gear sets one of them will be throwing a bone for farstriders (neither of the heritage sets for blood and void elves looks nice on hunter, yes I know Nighthold hunter exists already and is about as canon as it gets but something a hair lighter like the wc3 ranger models would be nice) and maybe the dress from the BC trailer in multiple colors for clothies.

(I strongly doubt they’ll change the races proper if you meant racials and not like, racial armor/gear like what was done with Bel’ameth)

Also fem blood/void elves need something like the abs on reforged Sylvanas and Jenalla

That’s why it sounds obvious to me. It’s so stupid that of course blizz will do it. They tend to pick the worst/stupidest way to do something.

Not saying I want that, but I am mentally prepping for it so I’m not disappointed 2-3 years from now.

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I don’t want that either. It’s dumb and boring.

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No. More. Elves. 4 varieties are 3 too many.


The dwarves had a against themselves war. The elves didn’t even go that far.

The one metzen made during the teaser for midnight.

They may just condense 2 races into one.

How would that work?

The Elves still historically do not get along and likely only will for survival, just like usual.

Again, for like the tenth time now. He never said merger. He said united to fight the void who threatens the well. We’ve unified many times to fight the big bad.

This is like GD thinking we were getting Tinkers, Bards, the many other times we never got Helves, a lot of other races. GD thought the Forsaken would get removed. Lots of batty ideas.

Usually with Blizz, it’s always the thing that is less than what people imagine it to be.


By making VE and BE be one race, possibly calling the thallasian elves.

You really do not know how the term unify in political speak means do you?

He said unified. We are not dumb. We know what it means.

He did not say they will protect the well, since it is already established the void alreafy exists in the well.

No one said we will, they asked if for them, but not said we will.

Possible, but it could always be something else as well. Loom at the SL VE customizations. Look at blunderstorm.

Yeah but I asked how would that work? Do we delete people’s characters?

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Really we just have to wait 2 years to find out either way.
We know the elves are being united but not anything more than that.

Personally i see no reason it would even be mentioned if it was only to be a temporary thing.

But its all fully speculation right now so i suppose any interpretation is valid.

I know how it works in this game.

No you want to believe that’s what it means.

He mentioned fighting back against the threat to the well.

No people posted that we would.

It’s not gonna be that big. Just like the tree burning ended up really being Sylvanas and not many other theories.