Can we finally get playable the high elves?

From what I’m seeing, these seem to be really relying on the hair styles to represent the difference between Void elves and Blood elves. Every single elf that seems to have officially joined the Void elves has that imposed dual voice, and voidy/balding hairstyle.

While I wouldn’t get your hopes on on the idea of non-voidy High elves, I do think they’re pushing in the direction of wanting to show the High elves joining the Void elves in a more official capacity. I would also like to see some Silver Covenant, and other scholars and mages join the Void elves as that seems to be one of the biggest requests.

The ARATHI, not Lorderon.

Tell us you didn’t pay attention without telling us.

Lor’themar wants Quel’thelas citizens to be in Quel’thelas so long as they don’t undermine the Blood Elven Government’s agenda.

The Horde allowing him to have Neutral and Alliance Citizens living in his kingdom, is why Thalyssra liked the Horde, because she liked the Freedom it gave her and her people.

Ya know, you’re not a Blood Elf fan.

A Blood Elf would NEVER call themselves a High Elf. Becasue of the sole reason of WHY they are Blood Elves…smh


And Dragonflight as of the recent quest.


they like the sunreavers are citizens of dalaran the silver covenant have been anti horde and the rivalary between them and sunreavers started when aethas sunreaver got the horde to be allowed into dalaran. also remember dalaran was where kael’thas prince of quel’thalas lived as one of the leaders of dalaran and a member of the 6. they lived in dalaran the silver convenant is just anti horde not anti quel’thalas.

why are you moonguard players pushing your head cannon as if it is actual cannon. all blood elves are high elves and all high elves are blood elves even if they refuse to call themselves that .

You’re quoting warcraft enclopedia which also says this:
“A few high elves have chosen to join the Alliance in recent years,”

So you’re wrong even if your literally deleted source material is somehow still canon.

every source differentiates them. You are wrong.


Ad’hominen, opinion discarded.


Literally factually indesputably wrong and you’re insulting US for being “inaccurate”?

Go play your orc main troll.


thing is your wrong. done with this headcannon thing from moonguard. and despite everyone disproving yall you keep pushing non cannon stuff. putting yall on block.

quite litterally every thead involving high elves since tbc. thats why i said that.

No, they’re literally not.

That’s like saying all Japanese, Korrean, and Chinese people are the same.

Which is illogical, and tragically sad on your part.

It’s almost as if reading the ACTUAL lore in the game, from TBC, that is enforced in Wrath, Legion, and DF matters?

YOU, YOU are pushing Headcannons instead of reading Quest Text and Cannon Sources.


first off not even a comparrison and that is quite racist says more about you and also dont be that way. second the lore your pushing has been non cannon since tbc.

I’m a realist with regularly crushed dreams (so a regular human lol) so I definitely don’t have my hopes up. Just saying that in terms of this thread’s request, I think it’s the route most likely to succeed… and that’s not saying much

With that logic you could even say all French are French Canadians!


No, it’s literally you being insensitive to the cultural differences in the game and thier lore.

Same concept

Not to mention your ABLEISM about what server a toon is on.

For the Record I main on Area 52-Horde side. This is a throw away toon for the Forums.

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This is probably the strongest evidence that belf = highelf, and in my opinion, the nail in the coffin for alliance playable high elves.

The elves of quel’thalas decided to join the horde after the events of the third war… im sorry if that doesn’t do it for you, but that is where we are at.

I think one major reason people are against new playable high elves is that it frankly detracts from the lore and world building that the elves of quel’thalas have had since 2007. High Elves would essentially be a retcon, saying there were in-fact untainted elves the whole time who fought for the alliance further spliiting the race.

The nightborne and night elf, dark iron dwarves and dwarves situation is a bit different. Surmar was an isolated city for thousands of years with its own distinct culture and history that diverged from the kal’dorei. Same thing with dark iron. The elves of quel’thalas have already been split by the addition of void elves (which by the way was not really set up at all)

Personally, I love the elves of quel’thalas whatever the politics. I got a blood elf pally :slight_smile: Long live the sunwell. Anu belore dela’na

That’s my thoughts on the matter.

Edit: After playing Dark Heart quest, I am really growing to like Alleria as a character and I’m excited to see how she will grow and be used for TWW so I think that is where this new helf enthusiasm is coming from. In the Dark Heart quest we see Alleria with other alliance heros, and she even says she does not identify with the ren’dorei (void elves). HOWEVER I think they are setting it up to where she will embrace the void. That is what the Locus-Walker said at the end of the quest. So we might see her become all voidy full time aligning her more with the playable Void Elves


no thats not even a good comparison its embarrasing and seems to be you livia moonguard louve moonguard and maleficenxia moonguard. which i makes me think either those are your alts or what not if it is ima advice you to stop if not. yall are going on block anyways

Ad hominem, opinion discarded. Also wrong. You keep making quick snappy wrong statements and are still wrong. Anyone with a brain can tell you not all high elves are blood elves.

My butt. Not a single source that doesn’t contradict you.

tfw you lose the argument but your ego gets in the way of admitting it.

pretty weak evidence when there is literally other evidence that Belf’s are not a monolith of High Elves.

Blood elves are High elves. High elves are not ALL blood elves.

Or do I need to bring people back to kindergarden and explain how not all squares are rectangles…


Honestly the most nauseating thing about this entire debacle. Blizzard have gone out of their way to represent High Elves as a faction within the Alliance, in-game for multiple expansions comparable to that of gnome representation.

But no… Can’t be allowed to play them because reasons.

All the while these threads are mired with people grasping the straws for reasons and headcanon to why players can’t and shouldn’t be allowed. Going as far as requesting the total deletion of them as a race.


The Silver Covenant, the defacto High Elf Population, and those Dalaran are still Alliance based the lore didn’t change that.

Also, the Elves in Silvermoon aren’t all Horde.

Lor’themar literally welcomes them to live regardless of that, have you not been keeping up with lore that is IN GAME no less?


And yet horde andies and trolls will find literally deleted websites describing blood elves FROM TBC LAUNCH to try and PROVE High Elves don’t exist, only Blood Elves.

The deleted webpage from 2007 that hasn’t been updated since is no longer accurate people… We’ve had MULTIPLE “Chronicle” books come out re-contextualizing a ton of the lore since then.

Broken are no longer the only Draenei. It happens. You’ll get over it.


So, people point out to you facts in the game’s lore.

They both post from Moonguard, and you try to gaslight people into believing we are just alts, lmao.

Your logic is so weak you have to try to publicly defame people to draw attention to your point. That doesn’t exist.

And DF/TWW even furthers that.

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