Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I am not sure if I will not main my Dracthyr… I love m Druid and have gone between him and my Warlock.

But Harrornir… I may just stick with my Druid.

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A bit of a gamble but could very well pay off!

I think they are prepping to let Hardline “HElfers” for the Alliance become Void Elves only.

There’s two NPCs who make that clear E and L in the same area.

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that does not make sense. Why would silver covenant want to become void elves?


Because they hate the Horde that much shrugs talk to E and L.


This is a big thread to sum up that blood elves are high elves and are currently playable.


Definitely some intriguing things added to Telogrus. At this point, the most likely way to fulfill this request may be to ask for story elements to show that elves can decide to fight under the void elf banner without undergoing the transformation ritual and play up both the void and non void customizations moving forward :thinking:

If the specific race name of High Elf is the chosen hill, well…may want to prepare a tombstone. But if it’s any consolation, it doesn’t say High Elf under Blood Elf toons names either :man_shrugging:

I feel like Blizzard’s stance is pretty much “we’ve given you the customization options, go do what you want now.” They did the same thing with Wildhammer Dwarves, the various Orcs clans, Troll tribes, and even then Highborne (although there’s a lot more options they could be giving us here in terms of Night Elf jewelry and such).


Looks like they’re just gonna divide the remaining High elves into two camps, one half joins the Void elves, becoming all voidy and embracing entropy, the others rejoin the blood elves with the light and embrace the Sunwell.


Yea, pretty much this. And they’ve basically said as much during an interview. I would like to think one of the minor patches in the semi near future needs to just be a huge customization update for everyone. Just an absolute metric ton of new options for every race that blows our minds.
As many cool things as they’ve done with gear design lately, I’d love to see what they could do if turned loose on this aspect.

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I would argue against that heavily considering there are multiple “Quel’dorei _____” fighter NPCs and High Elf Scholar NPCs in the War Within Alpha and/or datamined and logically speaking I see no universe in which all the Alliance and Silver Covenant Helves decide to randomly join the Void when they haven’t for the past few expacs despite having the opportunity lol. Just because 2 Belf defectors who were vocally complaining about the Sin’dorei joining the Horde are now in the Velf camp doesn’t really suggest all remaining High Elves are joining the Void or the Light lol

Yes Arator is living in Silvermoon currently (their shared ancestral home lol) but he seems like he’s being set up to become some sort of Void-Light Paladin mixture with his new tattoos and his parental figures each representing the opposite ends lol

Neutral and Alliance High Elven groups and individuals have remained independent of the Void/Sunwell for a while now and I doubt they would decide to change that for literally no reason. The Void isn’t just some new aesthetic to take on lol it fundamentally alters your existence and makes every moment a possibility of being driven to madness, and they aren’t going to go join the Horde so :person_shrugging:

What is MORE likely IMO is that Thalassian Elves all come together to defend their shared home of Quel’Thalas in Midnight and then High Elves are made an official neutral playable race via either a name tag change option or more customization options

THAT has been the common thread reiterated across stories and questlines recently, how Quel’thalas is their ultimate shared home and they want what’s best for it and would like to be able to live their freely, which sets the stage for them to all defend it together come Midnight


You can tell thy are feeling the squeeze now Runeleaf.

The Sunwell, lore wise, has been restored for awhile now and much closer to TBC time. You are ignoring that part. Your kind are represented by Lyria and Ennas, they are with the Void Elves.

Yes because High Elves are already Blood Elves, this remains consistent with Runeleaf’s and my hypothesis.

So, yes they are all coming home under the Sin’Dorei banner. Except for those Void Elves who endanger our very existence.


I feel like Blizzard sees the remaining High elves as a sort of inflammatory subject, and as long as they remain this sort of unreachable goal, players will always keep asking for them, and the forum wars will go on. Lore-wise I would agree, but I feel that giving the Void elves the Silver Covenant would make a lot of players happy, and Blizzard will see it as delivering them the High elves they’ve always wanted.

The player reaction to more elves with natural customizations in the rift is gonna be a green light for them I believe. The only other alternative (Alliance players won’t like it.) but is if they have Vareesa in Silvermoon (which would explain why she is absent from Dalaran when it falls.) I would hope that Blizzard knows better than to do this, as it would just be pouring fuel on the fire, but I also wouldn’t put it past them after placing Arator there.

I agree that he’s being set up to represent both, but that’s not the bigger take-away.

The bigger implication of him being there is that he’s an elf who we would assume would have more of a reason to dislike the Blood elves than any High elf, considering he was raised by Vareesa, and a staunch member of the Alliance. If he has no problem living, and fighting for the Blood elves, no one can say that it is unlikely that other High elves would be against it - there was literally no reason to have this whole scene play out in Silvermoon except to emphasize this point. Secondly, his presence also tells us that the Blood elves do not reject other elves, or require them to undergo any name-change to serve with them. I feel like it’s clearing up a lot of questions players have had regarding the rather vague situations revolving Silvermoon.

We don’t know how many have remained independent, and how many may have returned. We know that Lor’themar opened the Sunwell to the High elves, (Where we see many returning to visit it, so it clearly is still very important to them.) plus Alleria refers to the Sunwell as the heart of her people’s culture in the short-story, emphasizing it’s importance to all Thalassian elves. Even the very leader of the High elf hold in Outland returned back home to Quel’thalas as a High elf representative (a more permanent position than envoy, or spokesman) and refers to both groups collectively as the children of silvermoon calling for the two groups to reunite and defend the Sunwell.

I feel that we will see Auric in midnight at the Sunwell again, along with other like-minded Quel’dorei. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Auric himself also lives in Silvermoon.

Additionally we have seen many blue-eyed horde elves over the years, before it could have even been possible for their green tint to have faded. Lanesh was confirmed by Danuser himself, so the bigger question is just who have returned, and who hasn’t.

As much as I would love a name-tag change, I’m not confident that Blizzard is willing to change such an integral part of the game’s system to cater to just High elves. (Anything is possible.) And maybe they might advertise these as options for more races with subrace customizations, and I’ll cross my fingers for it but I’m skeptical.

I believe the point of destroying Dalaran was to basically force the remaining High elves out of being neutral, so that the story forces them to join either side. Word that the Sunwell is in danger spreads, and the High elves return home to defend it, along with Arator. Light-oriented High elves will be seen mingling in Silvermoon, while void-oriented High elves will be seen mingling in the rift among the Void elves.

A lot of the story will have to be resolved in order for us to see Void elves in Silvermoon again, especially if there’s still a void threat to contend with. Either the story will be split, where Alliance join the Void elves in taking the fight to the void itself, and the Horde join the Blood elves/High elves in defending the Sunwell on Sunstrider Island, or the void story gets resolved, or some solution to having the Void elves near the Sunwell is met that justifies having them in Silvermoon again.

I’m still of the mind that blizzard has decided to divide the remaining High elves in an attempt to satisfy both camps.

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No, no we can not. Nor should we. Just say NO blizzard.

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I would be completely satisfied if they showed that the void elves welcome any elf that will fight with them and see some named Silver Covenant or other Dalaran characters joining, showing they aren’t required to undergo a transformation, but show that they do learn and study void abilities (their racials) and add a few customization tweaks to support it. If that happened, this topic would almost certainly disappear.


That’s a good point. Earthen are MUCH more different from dwarves, than high elves are to void elves. They’re the same race. They’re just folks from that race that dabbled in void magic.

Why does ANYONE care.

They have had a faction playable since 2007 and an Alliance faction since BFA.

They only real “High Elf” stone unturned is the High Elves that weren’t in Silvermoon when the Scourge attacked and became Blood Elves under a political leader.

You can absolutely role-play that with Void Elf customization.

I’m not going to complain if we get another allied/neutral race of elves with new racial called “High Elves”- but I am going to question why we need to do that in the first place.

I’m more interested in those new ear customization, Half-Elves is something with new ground.

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Neither of those are the high elves that blizzard have been dangling in front of the alliance since vanilla.

Worse hair than horde counterpart and questionable voice lines.


the real high elves are blood elves, they were always allies with lordaeron which are now the forsaken. whats more all the high elves rejoined the blood elves in quel’thalas post tbc and you even see this during the quel’delar questchain in wrath. as well as one of the short stories. ill even link them for ya lass. Lor’themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun by Sarah Pine (
there ya go. oh and for good messure ill even link more evidence from a newer cannon short story. A Whisper of Warning by Delilah S. Dawson (

Riiiight… Except that the Silver Covenant was still alliance aligned in MoP and Legion.