Can we finally get playable the high elves?

That explains SO much Sledgehammer…

I mean, if youre trying to convince me that youre right regarding something specific, i would hope you would know the point of your own argument lol

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Is everyone else defending their elf thesis while I’m making conversation and asking questions?

Yeah, that does explain a lot.

So if i ask you “Hey, if a human and elf breed in wow, are they the same species?”

and you say “well in narnia…”

Like… what lol

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Are there elves in narnia?

Okay “well in middle earth…”


not like theres no elves on earth either

Nope, now I’m stuck on Narnia.

It’s too late. I’ll be discussing Narnia for the next 50 posts.

You do know that’s what these threads devolve to right?

It’s what I come for :yum:

EDIT: Oh and I love how different people share lore bits too, I have learned more WoW lore from High Elf threads than anything else.

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Well at least you’re consistently irrelevant

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I still think we’d all be better off if we replaced all playable short elves with the MOP era puntable marmot, complete with sound effect.

I am adamant about that point and deadly serious.

I mean, that’s my jam. I do like the lore.

All the rest of it aside, I’m glad I could teach you a new thing or two.

Can’t tell if shes talking about wow or narnia now lol

well that was fun way to kill time before my fencing lesson. toodles.

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Sledgehammer, making an absurd claim and then suggesting that your opponent is the one making the claim (textbook gaslighting) is equally as ridiculous as it is concerning. I recommend you take a thorough self-inventory. This will be the only time you and I interact.

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Okay! Nice to meet you!

Thank you for telling me that making a claim that someone else said something, then doubling down on the claim that they absolutely meant something else is gaslighting.

I just checked out the Rift because of you. Whoa.


Why on earth would I believe what you are saying when you say someone said something then quote yourself saying what you said they said in quotes :joy:

Literally the hearest hearsay Ive ever seen lol.
Its also not outlandish to for what was said, as people like to twist words or take things out of context.

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There has been some pretty cool changes there and its great to see their lore get developed.
Having all customisation be made canon for void elves is awesome.

But still, im thinking imma play an earthen instead in tww.
At least until i hear their voice. A bad voice will ruin them for me.

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The dance is really, really good.

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It really is!
The race just seems like a lot of fun.
Theyre really hitting all the right notes for me.

I know ive said it before but this is what really won me over

Im actually kind of nervous about if i will find something that makes me dislike them.

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Then they will still be absolutely fantastic.

Because they’re rocky dwarves and that’s great.

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