Can we finally get playable the high elves?

i mean, this is a perfect example of what sledge does. the moment theyre wrong, the more irrelevant and stretched their logic gets.

A conversation about earth biology when we’re talking about a video game that clearly doesnt apply earth’s biology to it, which sidetracked our whole convo. Then they kept moving the posts on what they felt like constitutes a “race”

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It’s all about and stemming from when I (or someone else? I’ve lost track) pointed out Ren’Dorei are not the same race as Quel/Sin’Dorei.

I’ve held up and Runeleaf have held up that they are not.

Sledge, Lightspeed, and one other… saying they are. Lightspeed I think jsut was like, we’re going to agree to disagree.

Sledge constantly asked me to define race after I asked for her to explain how she see them as the same race. Lightspeed had said “the parents determine the race.” Sledge FINALLY gave us one and it was ridiculous. Then kept circling for us to give her one, kept telling us what ours was, I mean at this point, it’s borderline trolling. Hence why I just went with the ridiculousness.

Still curious as to why earth’s biology was even brought up lmao

i wonder if ill get a reply

I may have at one point? I know someone brought up how Race is in real life, I tried to point out how Neanderthals are the same species (like all Elves would be) but that race didn’t exist.

My point with that was to illustrate this is a fantasy world with different rules.

it wasnt during our convo, so it was still random to use earth’s biology when she, herself knew it didnt apply

just wondering why she felt it was relevant

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I’m just trying to helfp the cause

Agreed and didn’t even use it. Completely argued against it when you brought in the real world definition (about the physical characteristics) because it supported your/our claim and not hers.

Wow, why did this thread gain so many new replies since my joke a couple hours ago someone give me a short version so I don’t have to read all that, lol.

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I would say it was just a fun side note and nothing more. They said those rules dont apply in the same breath.
I dont think they expected anyone to latch on to it as if it mattered.


I have a lot of time and I felt like I could drag the ridiculousness out. :slight_smile:

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Because you used the term species, which has a set definition.

That’s why!

That’s a friendly happy “that’s why”, since I suppose my tone must be very hard to parse.

The worlds dumbest and most irrelevant conversation.
Honestly youre better off not reading it.
Save your braincells.


Fun side note? I pointed out the logic in it was wacky and that was her attempt to rationalize it? It was a reply that proved nothing. lol

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Haha, this is totally fair. :joy: :joy: :joy:

And thanks for the honesty I won’t then, lol.


Can we agree Ren’Dorei and Sin/Quel’Dorei are the same species and not the same race?

This is correct! Pardon my verbiage; to me, I feel the ‘traditional’ Quel’dorei are the ones we were first introduced to and witnessed in previous games, along with their novels and comics. Maybe another word is better so there is no misconception.


Galathir is very adamant that tauren have the same bloodline and culture as elves today.

I kid, I kid.

But really, we’ve been milking running in circles.

So does race? Both are different in Wow. How does citing something completely irrelevant to our conversation say anything lol

i dont think you really knew where you were going with that conversation, which explains all the wacky logic lol

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Just say you want to play Alliance Blood Elves who are labelled as High Elves. No confusion or misconception would occur.

…Do we… go places on the forums?

Like, I’m just replying. I don’t really have an endpoint in mind.