Can we finally get Blood Elf Druids in Shadowlands?

Bear Form= Thistle Bear [Darkshore]
Cat Form= Lynx [Eversong]
Tree form= Treants [Eversong]
Flight form= Dragonhawk/Firebird/Phoenix
Travel Form=Stag [natural or slightly decorated with green gems]

Since there is an entire zone that is dedicated to the wilds, could we please unlock Blood Elf Druids, there is enough of a fan base for it and people have really wanted this for some time.


Groundskeeper Wyllithen in Eversong Forest: Clearly proof of concept.



Although the lore is a little shaky, I would not be opposed to this. Blood Elf Botanists have much in common with druids and have been seen to use some druid spells and abilities.


I believe the NIghtborn also had druid-like casters. There’s even a druid-like boss in nighthold who turns into a tree, summons plants, casts nature sun and arcane spells, etc.


High Botanist Tel’arn was only able to use that kind of magic because of his close proximity to the nightwell.

Yeah, and then all the nightborne started getting mana from that druid-tree-thingy we grew. I’m sorry I dont remember the name.

So yeah, I can’t see why they couldn’t just put their obsession with arcane magic and stars together with their plant boss and tree-thingy and just say “Ok… Horde druids can wear shoes now.”


Full stop this is the worst thing that could happen to the game for lore reasons and population balance reasons that have been rehashed over and over and over again.

To paraphrase Ghostcrawler, wanting a pretty [ETA:]Horde druid isn’t a good enough reason to break the final lore straw and simultaneously give the most popular race one of the most popular classes.

If you want a pretty elven druid, the Alliance is waiting for you.


Why? They are slowly phasing the class out of existence. Guardian neglected for years and now Ursoc is deleted. I sense a pattern. Just play Demon Hunter.

Nope… :face_vomiting:


I support this change and would likely reroll or at least pick it up as my main alt


ah yes. Because all those lightforge draenei and mechagon gnome DKs totally fit lore


I would certainly be open to more druid races per faction. I don’t care about lore, it’s a game, more options aren’t bad =].


Lightforge Draenei, Mechagnomes, etc. do fit the lore because Bolvar is raising a new generation of death knights that have no connection to the Third War.

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Looking at it, there’s a lot of lore that could be twisted to justify druids for ANY of the races.

Orcs - Flowerpicker tribe (yes i know its an easter egg) and they respect nature (they also deforest it) but they DO respect it. Huge kinship with animals, especially wolves and rylaks.
Belf - Botanica has Belfs casting regrowth, rejuv, wrath, controling treants, and making plant monsters. You could even say “Blood elves begin to practice druidism to restore eversong forest and the ghostlands” there. justified.
Forsaken - (yes forsaken) google “Plagueshifter” its from the RPG (and I know its not cannon). Reasonable to think they could learn druidism and nature magic from visiting plagueshifters and exposure to tauren in the pools of vision. Theres a lot of diseased/undead animal models. They could even go back to the original purpose of their royal apothecary society and seek a cure to their undeath.
Goblins: Harder sell then the forsaken I think. Umm… yeah anything I put here would be contrived and hard to justify. But then thats never stopped Blizz before.
Mag’har - Same as Orc, but more savage, natural and less demonic. Could be the lost White Claw tribe’s survivors fleshed out with some new lore. Maybe they’ve always lived in peace with the Botani on Farahlon.
Nightborne - Google " Arcan’dor" Seems like a wierd fit but totally justified.
Vulpera - Furries, Furries, Furries, Furries. No need for lore to justify any of their other class choices, so why not. They even say theres more vulpera living across the ocean somewhere. So who knows.

Come on Blizzard I just want my druid to have shoes I JUST WANT MY DRUID SHOES!

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Every Alliance druid wears shoes. I’d like draenei druids to change things up.

But i want shoes on my HORDE druids. Alliance is… well… the alliance.

I made an arbitrary choice in 2006 to choose Horde: 3 warchiefs, 2 civil wars, and a couple genocides later I’m too far in to go back.

They could turn into goats!


I was thinking Panthara for Cat, Crystal-encrusted bear with draenei-style horns for Bear, Talbuk for Travel, Platypus(?) for Aquatic Form, Mana Ray for Flight, and something majestic in place of Moonkin.

Yes, and a glyph to turn the talbuk form into a goat.

Mechagnome dk = dead robot repaired and given new battery. No problemo!

What about moth for flight?

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