Can we buff fire mages more?

LOL! :laughing:

Using a GCD to cast frostbolt or frost nova before combustion or rune will take some getting used to in the new rotation with the DC legendary.

They should make it so that a fire mage just needs to emote /die at the boss and the boss falls over dead.

You right. Fire mages are suffering, poor things.

You mean you don’t already?

You forgot instant cast, enemies lose 10% health per second whilst polymorphed.

I’m so proud of you. I name you: Patch Writer

Its fairly simple how to fix fire mages just give them the Torghast powers in pve / pvp. Problems solved. Just imagine remote sheep detonation in content and the fun of a mage coming out of invisibility with a fire ball doing 5000% dmg. Oh the fire mage would be rather fun to play once again.