Can the PvP be any worse?

PvP balance is complete warm dog poo in the bag and yet you force us PvE’s into this trash system due to the loot drought. You don’t even have a team deathmatch for rBG, do you guys even game?

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Could be worse, you could be a class who favors versatility as a secondary with pvp being the best source of it.


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yawn try harder no actual input but dear diary

You had the first entry in the book though lol.


Makes a thread.

Recieves input in said thread.

… Shoots it down…???

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Agree PVP is Trash right now, too many premade groups pug stopping everything.

Real shame use to love PVP total crap now

You going to even explain what you’re complaining about?

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Well pvp balance is pretty much the most pathetic it’s been in a long time and blizz doesnt care.


Is he upset he can like 1 global people or something with DT?

Or is he upset at makes combust or convoke

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I mean that’s actually ideal for some people seeing how pvp was one of the most reliable ways to gear.

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When was it balanced exactly ?, every pvp player has their own story of when it was balanced and when it is broken .

When confronted with any reality they get too defensive and destroy their own thread and whatever feedback goes into the trash as delisted.

They could buff ret paladins

I’ve never played an expansion with so much 1 shot potential and the 1 shots are 2 seconds at best to react. In the past there was much more setup to kill inside a cc window and usually it took at least the full duration of cc to land a kill if the player didn’t mess up his rotation. Now if you don’t have trinket it’s a guaranteed kill next go unless your go 1 shots them first.

They nerfed us but they slightly buffed one of our unpreforming leggos which is nice cuz I actually love using it, too bad itll still suck in pve.

Whenever I hear someone say, “Let’s change this, it couldn’t be worse!” I always think, Yeah, it could….

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You’re on the strongest class…

if you don’t wanna pvp, don’t. nerd

No you are actually Lol, especially after rets nerfs this reset. Fire mage is the most busted spec in the game right next to arms warrior but atleast arms is only broken pvp and not all forms of content like fire mage. I’ve also seen new vids of frost mages doing 30k+ glacial spikes

We’re you around for the twilight devestation and infinite stars days?

You can do 30k frostbolts on mage in PvP if you’re kyrian, this next patch takes iceform off GCD and buffs kyrian too which will make it even better.

Still sucks compared to fire though, fire is just so strong.