Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

that’s true, and is why I hardly ever use the AH, and I check the sellers name before I buy an item, like you said it could be tainted and if you want to go down that path, I am all for ironman sod, with blizzard implemented character restrictions like how jagex does runescape. but right now the biggest problem, besides auction house bots/addons, are gdkps

I think of it as frontier justice.

No you don’t.

and before you say bots are the biggest problem, do not be delusional, I am for a blizzard implemented a vanguard style kernel access system to monitor pcs as well, but I assume that would make you quit even faster than banning gdkps would, so the war with bots will never be won as easily as you mistakenly think it will be

There’s literally nothing just about abusing the abusive chat report system. You’re exerting what little power you can to try and gatekeep what other players distribute loot in a video game.

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Lynching’s were outlawed for a reason.

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if the ah seller has “bank” in the name it’s an automatic pass over

This is why you’re so detestable. With zero basis you allege that I am a botter now, knowing absolutely nothing about me except that I did a gdkp. Insane.

So literally everyone’s bank alt?

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When the people who spam report random GDKP ads unironically stop Blizzards attempt at getting reports for actual gold buyers.

They don’t actually want gold buying to stop. They just live to inconvenience anyone that can do what they cannot.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - some guy

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You’re not a good man.

I feel pretty good

nah I am just sure you would quit over privacy factors instead of seeing the benefit that vanguard would have in lowering bots volume

You are the evil in this scenario, because you’re abusing the report system hoping to punish players who are doing nothing wrong. Blizzard has said GDKPs do not break the rules. Reporting GDKPs, therefore, does.

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I say bring on the Vanguard. I don’t care how intrusive it is. As long as it offers a solution. I’m surprised they haven’t created some kind of warden anti-cheat all these years. Its obvious they dont actually want botting/rmt to stop.

nobody I know has a bank alt named that, that’s very telling of you and what you seem to do on the ah

The best thing you could do to lower bot volume is start banning gold buyers.

i could soak up gdkp pots and benefit from botters as well but I have morals so i dont

theyre doing that dont you see gdkpers getting banned?