Can the Light fix any health problems?

Say my Paladin is mostly a good person, but has a problem with drinking. Like a real bad problem, and often drinks enough to get alcohol poisoning. Would the light be able to cleanse out the alcohol like any other poison, and heal any damage done to the body, thus making drinking this heavily no problem?

What about disease, cleanse implies it can remove diseases, but does this only apply to infectious diseases, or can it also cure things like Cancer?

What about blind people? Several blind characters exist in game, could a sufficiently powerful Light user restore their sight?

I think that the answer is ā€˜yesā€™ to all of the above, provided that the light wielder is powerful enough.


The ā€œhardā€ answer is that we donā€™t know. Insufficient information has been supplied to fully answer your question.

If weā€™re being reasonable, however - there has to be some kind of limitation, otherwise thereā€™d be literally no sickness, injury or malady anywhere in the world where priests exist (Which is very nearly everywhere.)

Either there are some things the light canā€™t fix, or the amount of power required to fix some things is so overwhelming that itā€™s not feasible to do it.


The light cannot fix illness of the mind. Whitemane is proof of that.

But physical ailments? Why not? Unless the body part itself is gone.

Because if the Light could be used to fix things than these problems would not exist.

I mean, the disease depending on its nature can still remain- the Light would just work on the symptoms each time , and you would need Light users everywhere.

If you get yourself so sloshed that you need the Light to stand up straight, odds are that you wouldnā€™t be focused enough to actually cure yourself.

Also wielding the Light demands disciplineā€¦ so if Arthas got himself tanked one night, Iā€™m sure that Uther would rather let him suffer the hangover than use the Light to give him a 'Get out of Jail" free card.