Can survival hunter

Tyrannosaurus rex :t_rex: had 60 serrated teeth that were about eight inches long.


Bless you Freddy.

The arms warrior thread is one of the most entertaining reads, definitely give it a skim when you have a minute. It will put everything here into perspective.

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Did he make that thread or nah

Do you wanna me point to you how many changes raptor strike, sv overall dmg, flayed shot/conduit shadowlands had? proving covlol were wrong since the start;
I can teach you.


I don’t remember but it’s got around 200 posts and almost half are him.

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Thanks for the tips. Kind of hard to practice sv in bgs since it’s such a cluster-f of melee battles. That and mm in bgs is hysterical.

Gonna try it out in some arena once the season opens and yolo my way back to combatant so I can gatekeep the 1400 bracket.

This doesn’t prove anything tho
I am aware they got buffed

Thanks king

practice in skirms
survival can’t really function well in random bg settings because it’s not really built for it well+ inconsistency w/ getting a dedicated healer, plus youll get a better feel for your kit in a serious setting
a godtier tip for any class you want to play tho
record your games and watch them back after a play sesh
look at the stuff you did wrong
but more importantly, identify what you’re doing right

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of course, sv were fine, those multiple changes were unnecessary according to you and covlol

Yes they were.

Only change that was rlly necessary was the pet buff


If class balance depends on you and covlol, i don’t have good news for hunters, if it depends on you be prepared to rot in 1% rep until the last days of your lives.

This kind of statement is exactly why rating/authority argument is pure garbage.

wood ape only capable of comprehending damage numbers

more news at 11


Ya that’s fine
Rep doesn’t indicate class strength so

P sure it’s because we disagree with you


whenever someone argues “but he has a rating” or “he is a gladiator therefore you cannot argue with him”.

remember bramot and covlol said sv hunter didn’t need any damage tuning day 1 shadowlands… all damage tuning were unnecessary according to them.

Spearhead is 12s duration, it doesn’t imply whatsoever that you need plate.

the extension is a perk you shouldn’t need longer to kill on a proper setup

Anyone rational could see Survival is a hybrid ranger spec and doesnt need to be in melee range extensively to do its job


we dunk on people that are 2500+ all the time dude
its because they’re saying dumb stuff, not because they’re a glad saying dumb stuff

them happening to be a glad and saying smart stuff are two seperate things
ur just stupid and keep droning on about all the wrong stuff and then insist you’re correct for whatever reason, despite having 0 actual evidence
you go on about appealing to authority being a bad thing and then appeal to blizzard’s authority about tuning
like what dude

idk why ur even posting in a sv thread
u left it behind


It implies you had to melee, in same universe were all melees has more tools than you.

spearhead forces you into melee. if you are just pretending spearhead its not about melee because aspect of the eagle, im done, i give up, you won. Next.

you can stop trying to mingle with me, i don’t care about you
type 200 characters and I don’t even read more than two words of your posts