for 100 tokens everyone will buy this 2 seater mount as well
I’m actually sad it wasn’t part of the Azerothian Fake Archaeology event. It should be. I love my plane. I want everyone to have it.
I have this mount and i am very happy that others will also be able to get it too, it has come in very useful over the years, this is the kind of mount that should be put onto the TP not the curve one.
Good thing it is the one on the Trading Post and the AOTC one was never going to be on it, then.
I’m just hoping we can re-earn those some how. Guessing the AOTC MoP one will be from the pandamonium event.
I’d be all for events like that to re-earn them again. Run the raid during that event, get the mount. Everyone should have friendship moose and friendship birb, imo.
But it’s all covered in snow.
Something meaningful
My grass is covered in snow and ice.
I was starting to see the ground and got excited about it, than it decided to snow 8 inches.
I’ll be honest, I forgot that one existed.
It’ll look great in my collection next to my Big Love Rocket.
We got 5 yesterday. It may hit 44 tomorrow so some will melt.
Recruit a friend bonus. You mean the soft cash shop buy another account mount?