Can No Longer Post Videos After Forum Update

I can post vids on alts as well (this is Onoswun). Never posted on this guy before (obviously). I’m in the b-license group but so is nickael so, I dunno how it works? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just remembered after a forum update once I went from TL3 to TL1. I logged out of the forums, cleared cache and cookies then logged back in and was back at TL3. Not sur if this will help you or not.

It only works for a certain beta invite. I have the beta license b45, but it doesn’t work account-wide for my toons.

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Weird. I’ve never posted on this character before. What does your Trust Level say?

This toon can post links/pictures and videos. My alts can’t. This toon is TL3 with the b-45 beta license. Some people have that listed and have acct-wide TL3 and some don’t.

There’s a thread on checking your trust level HERE, but I’m pretty sure you only need to use a JSON extension to see the numeric value. I think Sendry’s correct that 1=Basic, 2=Member, and 3=Regular.

The discussion of how various trust levels are obtained is pinned to General Discussion HERE.

I guess the are differences. Mine shows b-145.

Oops forgot to switch back to Cayna. :rofl:

True you can see Trust Level by 1=Basic, 2=Member, and 3=Regular.

Oops that was a mistype, I meant b-145. :woman_facepalming:

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Then I don’t know why it’s account wide for me but not you. :confused:

Not sure either :dracthyr_shrug:

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Should be able to post YouTube videos on tl1 and up.

For tik tok videos you need tl3.


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Hmm let me try Youtube on my main, brb. :dracthyr_uwu:

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That’s how it’s always been. TL1 could post YouTube and Wowhead both.

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if this is the new thing ill have to be good lol

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Nope, still nothing. It may have to do with this character being flagged as a new user. Let me browse around and see if I can’t get her higher.

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Being able to post videos and gifs on one of the reasons I try to restrain myself. Not the only reason but one of them. :smile:


lol same gif and photos if i can’t post ill be devastated lol lost t3 once not doing that again


man i never expected to see such a beautiful gem here.

I’ve had to reword a few comments before posting, or just delete them. I have pretty good restraint but sometimes it’s difficult. I value my tl3 too much to ruin it.


I lost mine once a long time ago and got it back after 6 or 8 months I think. Yeah not doing that again.