Can I Unbind My Greatness Trinket Since Unholy DKs got nerfed

You can only replace it in TOC if you happen to get both the normal and heroic version of Death’s Choice which isn’t very bloody likely for most players.

You can’t double dip those trinkets anymore.

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He can now learn how to play a DK properly instead of the weird clunky gimpy spec that more or less didn’t exist in wrath. People who actually enjoy DK play frost anyway.


That sucks. You used to be able to get both versions and it was insane.

Yeah they are going to add a unique tag to it.

Found the source.

“Related to this, we also plan to make any trinkets with both Normal and Heroic versions (such as Death’s Verdict) share a Unique-Equip category, so that you can’t have both versions of the same trinket equipped at the same time”


Better actually.

Parsing is just a representation of how well you stack up to others, and he wasn’t taking very good advantage of how Gargoyle worked, so now that no one else can either his parses will go up.


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No they won’t

Also he averages a 49 not a 66.

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Unholy DKs have a gigantic variance. The good ones are insane and the bad ones are obscenely bad. 66% on unholy means you are slightly above average which isn’t saying a lot based on the variance.

Had a 4k unholy on Malygos that did 1.8k dps. Just plain trash.

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This thread is hilarious. Same crybabies that continuously cry ‘muh community’ on every RDF thread are now the ones taunting and harassing players for choosing a spec/class. The hypocrisy is off the charts


I’m not sure how much better he’ll do, but if there’s some sort of min/max component to your spec that you’re not participating in it and then they break it then you’ve effectively lowered the spec’s ceiling. If you’ve never been participating in that component you’re now closer to the new ceiling.

It’s not hypocrisy at all. When they cry “muh community,” taunting and harassing is actually what they are referring to.


You can still participate in it, it just doesn’t last full duration, if anything it’s going to rely on more rng.

For instance you might get say lust and a trinket proc and prepot and then just pop glove enchant haste and go with that.

Or you may only get lust and trinkets and prepot is ending before trinkets proc so you let it go and when trinkets pop with lust you use glove enchant and send it.

Also classes have a min/max method.

He averages a 49 not a 66.

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Those 66.6 parses and still feel entitled to a refund? Amazing.

If someone says he averages a 66 one more time I’m going to walk onto a highway and screech until a truck hits me and I become the main character of an Isekai.

He averages a 49.

Right, but if the OP never bothered to min/max his gargoyle he’s better off for it now with the change. I guess I didn’t dissect his logs to look into how well he was optimizing his gargoyle, but I assumed not very well.

The bottom line is if someone is playing below average or mediocre or whatever and they nerf the complexity of the spec those players are going to be better off for it.

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In my defense, I didn’t say “average”. lol

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That’s it, I’m going to become a main character in an Isekai, truck-kun take me now.

I hope I’m overpowered.


Yea and the fact blizzard said there likly to change it so you can’t do that which is why I’m more likly to think people will be using greatness till icc