Can anyone tell me what has recently changed that my RP macros are no longer working?

Hi All,

Came back to the live game for the pre-expac leveling event, and I have discovered that apparently none of my roleplay macros I have made are working anymore, and am unsure what has possibly changed to make that be the case?

I a long time ago got help crafting some macros that whenever I use a particular spell, it has an X% chance to trigger an event where it will select one out of a group of phrases, and may Say it, or Yell it, either in the base faction language, or in the specific racial language, like such:

/use Remorseless Winter
/run local G=GetRandomArgument if random(100)<=20 then SendChatMessage(("grins wickedly."),"EMOTE");SendChatMessage(G(" coming..!","Freeze..!","Deep freeze!!","Blizzard!"),G(nil),G(10,nil)) end

I have discovered that the EMOTE portion of this macro will still execute, but it will never do the spoken phrase portion…

Any insight and help on this would be greatly appreciated, because these macros have really exponentially increased my enjoyment of playing the game the past 15-odd years, so I am very sad to not have them working now…

Thank you!

What error is it triggering?

Not triggering any sort of error message, it’s just not sending the chat message!

I can set the trigger threshold to (100)<=99 (99% chance to trigger the event) and press the button a hundred times and it will not say a word :frowning:

Looks like GetRandomArgument was removed 3 years ago.

Hoooly crap, I could have sworn I logged-in to retail sometime within the last almost 4 years and didn’t encounter this problem :sweat_smile: But I definitely skipped out on playing Shadowlands and Dragonlands (spent a lot of time playing Season of Discovery where it wasn’t an issue), so I appreciate you digging this up for me that shows a workaround for it, and I will try it out!

Thank you again!