Can anyone guess who you really am

A journey of self discovery

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Someone who is bad at grammar.

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you am a english teecher;

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Your name is Atrus.

You realized, the moment you fell into the fissure, that the Book would not be destroyed as you had planned. It continued falling into that starry expanse, of which you had only a fleeting glimpse. You have tried to speculate where it might have landed— you must admit, however, such conjecture is futile. Still, the question of whose hands might one day hold your Myst Book are unsettling to you. You know my apprehensions might never be allayed, and so you close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written.


You already know who I am. You exposed my identity nearly two years ago for the world to see: The Remember this? I do!

I thank you for helping me discover who I really am.


Nope, that’s still Viezra.

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you am really be like that

like an npc or player?

Someone who has or has not seen the lion king

You tell me.

I hope to meet the mysterious underpants woman again decorating the wall of a Kyrian or venthyr

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What doth life?

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even the afterlife cannot escape the sheer thirst trap that is Azeroth.

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I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

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I have so many faces not even I know who I really am!

Cold: the air and water flowing.
Hard: the land we call our home.
Push to keep the dark from coming,
Feel the weight of what we owe.

This: the song of sons and daughters,
Hide the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build our future,
Strong, united, working 'till we fall.

Cold: the air and water flowing.
Hard: the land we call our home.
Push to keep the dark from coming,
Feel the weight of what we owe.

This: the song of sons and daughters,
Hide the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build our future,
Strong, united, working 'till we fall.

And we all lift, and we’re all adrift together, together.
Through the cold mist, 'till we’re lifeless together, together.


I tried really hard to get into Warframe but I just couldn’t. I suck.

Song is an absolute banger though.

It was stuck in my head for about a year.


im a large garbage rat made of uglier, smaller, rats

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I used this version as basically the theme song to my D&D group’s “Winter Court” where the Night Queen is missing and the Princess-Regent has succumbed to terrible anger and is losing a massive war so everywhere else in the Feywild is still whimsical but then you go to the Winter Court and they’re dismantling ancient Eladrin houses so they can make more weapons and stealing mortal children because you can grow them fast for new soldiers.


I am the Ehgmon