Can Anduin ever become a likable character?

i don’t believe that anduin is “perfect” he just has inmense help from his advisors and mentors who do have the experience that they didn’t have at his age.


Just as a slight sidetrack and because I loved the Dragon Prince, I expect that had the Alliance taken a Dark turn a good chunk of what happened in that series would happen to the Alliance.

Namely, its army ending up destroy by the Horde and possibly loyalist to Anduin. And a person who think he knows what is best for everyone is proven the villian because he thinks conquering is the path to prosperity/the right thing to do.

Let us not kid ourselves, anyone who seeks war and goes over the edge will ultimately be villinized by WoW, And considering I actually like the Alliance I am not interesting in spending another decade trying to deal with the fallout whatever the next Daelin or Garithos will do.

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Well as seen on BfA there is very little fallout, and the worst that can happen is one or two of your characters leaving or biting the dust while your faction gets a whole animated arc and comes out on top at the end of the war.

If the Horde can just decimate the Night Elves and we’re still forced to make peace with them by the end of the expansion, why can’t the Alliance do the same?


This is Warcraft. it IS tween fantasy.


One thing that might be cool is if… Anduin was put into some situation where he had to sacrifice his personal morals to maintain the morality of the Alliance. Like, he had to be the bad guy for the safety of his own faction. As a quick example, perhaps he comes across a dying, enemy general during the middle of a critical battle that the Alliance is losing.

Hell, make it a big name, but not a super big name. And also, one that isn’t necessarily bad. Like, Liadrin. Then, rather than spare or save her, he does the “”“dishonorable”"" (I know “honor” is a wirty-dord now) and kills her. Her troops retreat, and he manages to save the lives of hundreds of his soldiers.

Then goes and mopes about it, reconciles with his choice, and accepts that, “As king, my people come first, even above my own personal comforts. I might not be able to sleep at night, but that’s my duty to the Alliance.”


I feel like BfA has made it pretty clear Anduin’s morals are more important than his people when hundreds of volunteers sacrificed themselves and he wasted the opportunity they gave to let the Horde mourn


In an ideal world we’d have to see him explain to the family of everyone who gave up their lives on that suicide mission why he threw away their sacrifice. Total wanker.


What suicide mission, exactly?

i guess that the intention was to portray that “if we don’t have morals we would be as bad as the horde and thus no point in having an alliance”

the suicide mission on nazmir before battle of dazarlazor.

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Morals mean nothing to the dead. Not to mention the morality of letting a war continue because you didn’t have the stomach to end it is debatable in itself.


he says that the sacrificies will be in vain if we tossed morality asside if that wasn’t the cause they died for. or something

They fought to defend home and family, not finishing the fight spits in the face of that. More people died because he didn’t end the war. Pure and simple.


Blademaster Telaamon and several squads of night elves, void elves, and dwarves went on a suicide mission to draw out the main Horde forces from Dazar’alor before the siege so that the invading Alliance would have less enemies there to fight.

Whatever the intent, it was a pretty weird juxtaposition to have these groups (three of which are portrayed as having a population problem) giving their lives to enable an attack only for the leader of the attack to decide to back off because they might hurt their enemies’ feeling by continuing the fight.

Like, it wasn’t even a case of ‘we did enough damage in that one strike that they’ll -have- to surrender, so we won’t gain anything more by continued fighting’, it was just a ‘well, we hit them hard, and they’re still in a fighting mood, but let’s sit back and let them regroup for a bit’.

Just… why go through all the pathos of setting up a heroic sacrifice plot and then immediately contradict it?


Because Anduin’s a moron. That’s the answer to why the Alliance does almost everything.

Their fleet was destroyed and the king of the Zandalari dead. The Alliance could and should have used their position of power to end things. Instead they walked into a trap and got the Kul Tiran fleet destroyed itself.

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i don’t know if the war was ready to end so soon… but i guess that we may never know.

but… that was exactly how it feelt to me, there was really no point in keep fighting.

Or lose all the advantage due to re-start the attack too early and open the possibility to azshara to strike as well…
is not like the alliance or the kul tiran fleet didn’t lose anything either.

Honestly that is how I saw Genn back in Legion. I wish blizzard would’ve expanded on the contrast between Genn and Velen. Both act as sort of the angel and devil on Kronks shoulders, but replace Kronk and Anduin. Both do deeply care for him, but they represent different aspects of Anduin. Velen is the more calm, thoughtful, priest side while Genn can bring out the warrior within.

An example is when Anduin heads to the spot where his father died. Velen greets him in a calm caring manner while Genn actually yells at him, scolding him saying “How could you just leave!?” The two also represent the different sides of Varian. Genn is the Lo’gosh side while Velen is the “Varian” side.


There’s no point in having an Alliance if we just sit idly by and let the Horde destroy us one city at a time.


There’s no point in calling it an “Alliance” if only one person’s opinion matters.


He is boring but making him less boring would not fit the character so they should just come up with new alliance characters.

Out of curiosity, when you guys say “push the attack after BoD” you mean against the zandalari themselves? because that might be suicide. The capital is now reinforced. Keep in mind part of the reason why the surprise attack worked is because the zandalari are so arrogant and so sure of their superiority that the very idea of being defeated in battle in absurd. Now that you guys made them eat humble pie they are going to be more dangerous.

If you mean “push our naval advantage” pretty sure the alliance did that. Keep in mind that immediately after BoD the horde went from a stalemate with the alliance to losing on all fronts and were weeks away from defeat.