Yes. I have problems.
I think naming schemes like that are fun. I do something similar for my alts, too. Potatofamine’s funny
Keep in mind that levelling will change significantly in the near future with the level squish coming as part of the pre-patch. DKs and DHs will start around lvl 8 instead of 55 or 98 respectively. They won’t have much of a head start over other classes.
Think the only edge will be allied races don’t need to be exalted w/ their home factions to get their heritage armor. Unless that has changed.
Edit: I think I see what you mean now that the rep gate to unlock them is being removed. I believe you are correct.
I made 5 Death Knights I haven’t touched, hoping they will be able to get the heritage armor so we shall see I guess.
I dont understand why people level an AR for the mog set if they dont intend to play it…like are you paying for race changes to other toons also?
With how fast leveling is…I’d just pick the toon I wanted to play also even if it doesn’t get a few hours worth of “free” levels…
Sure I play them. My long time Worgen Druid main just became a Kul Tiran because I couldn’t take the weird posture and gait. Plus, their forms are way cool and the Heritage armor looks great.
Ran my Mechagnome Hunter up to 110, to race change for a shady robot priest.
This Dark Iron Dwarf armor was a real dud though, Heritage is ugly as sin.
Plus, it’s fun to collect new pieces for other mogs.