The Returning Player forum is here primarily to discuss questions about the game that other players might be able to answer. Devs don’t come here for feedback or questions.
That said, I found it extremely hard to believe the server had no active players in Orgrimmar and nothing on the AH. To prove my point I made a character on the server and went to orgrimmar.
There are 9 listings on the horde AH.
I am so sorry.
According to the post Here, free transfers were available. I am unsure if they are still available however as the last time the post was updated was February 4th.
If you have any questions about the process, I would suggest submitting a ticket in game, as like I said at the beginning of this reply, devs don’t come here. (neither do blue posters in general. The only blizz employees that frequent this forum are the mods who take care of potential rule violations for us, and they don’t post, nor do they have a line of communication to the devs.)
As for the rest of your post, suggestions aren’t read here either. If you want your ideas about condensing servers to be heard, the BCCD forum would be the place to post to have your thoughts heard.
Best of luck… sincerely.