Calling Hunter pet experts

…no, I didn’t. And Feign Death works in combat, but having your pet continue attacking a mob makes you re-enter combat instantly. You can still cast the spell.

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Be sure you can farm / supply pet food. Nothing stinks like having a pet and no way to get food it will eat and it goes unfriendly and runs away.

Carry extra food, ya can always feed it if you need to open up a slot for some drop ya just cannot pass up.

A bear or turtle are my solo tank pets of choice.

I like something like a crab or spider or cat for pvp. (crab pin or spider web are extra CC in pvp)

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Kargoz has a guide that includes Pet discussion. It’s more from a PvE perspective.

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Neither of those abilities are in the game in Vanilla/Classic. Here’s a list:


Quoted for truth.

Also if pvp server and going NE, at 30+ you can nab stealth for cat and both of you can stealth.

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But… you’ll be the only person with a BAT!


You did…here’s your post:

“Pretty sure I could just pull a single mob in a group, have the pet specifically attack that one mob (putting it on that mobs aggro table), then feign death, resetting all mobs except the one the pet has aggroed. Why bother with aoe?”

lol yeah.

Was about to say. And there is a trick to let pet pull one off after you pull a group and FD to drop the rest of the group. But as others said, some mobs are chained together like most human npcs for example.

I’ll add that I’ve done it numerous times during beta. Even in instances/dungeons (always a good chuckle when people go “wtf pro pull”).

Mind quoting my post where I said that?

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lol it was Firefingers not @Espure.

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I gave him the chance to back out too. Whatever he’s smoking isn’t wearing off.


Either way Firefingers is correct though. As stated I did that a lot in beta.


Get a sporebat.


Ok so here’s the deal, what I’ve gathered.

Cat Best thing around. I’ll just get one set up.

Bat Cooler than Owl. I think I’ll do Dwarf so screw owls. Gonna do this the dumb way, oh yeah. Thank you Gelicorde, I really appreciate your reckless indifference. I’ll keep one up to date while leveling, and it occurs to me that it will be of particular use against ranged mobs. If my hunter can hold aggro against a spellcaster elite I can always break LOS just before their spell goes off but that won’t work against a ranged mob. Shell Shield would indeed be too niche to be anything but garbage.

Niche Wind Serpent, Scorp, Wolf, whatever. These may have secret uses that I have yet to discover. If that’s the case, I’ll just have to grind out the levels in my third stable slot when I need them. Nothing much to be done there.

Thanks for your contributions folks


There’s a good site called Petopia Classic.

If you plan to keep a pet updated you will need an open slot for putting said pet in so you can tame a new one for learning new ranks of abilities for said pet. Just saying.


There is no “best pet” (except maybe a Spore Bat ;}) what you’re going to find is they all have their own strengths which you can play to.

Hyenas have a pin, Spiders have a web, Boars have a charge etc.
The only time I really ever changed pets was for PvP where the pin/web/charge/snatch were a buff I wanted depending on the way I wanted to play that round.

Personally, I will have a wolf, they’re tough, great DPS and if you get a level 5-6 from the valley floor in Mulgore they still bark, I may even name him Kyle.

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The baby undead just look at you like you’re crazy. Some cheer, some will try to attack you. But you are lvl 10 and they are mostly < 5. If they swarm you it’ll be like a Walking Dead battle with you on a hill and lots of zombies trying to get you.

I had to make that run it twice. I was AFK early on after getting Bat #1 and my bat got so hungry/pissed at me it left me. I went through hell for that Bat and it just left me to go find food. Had to run up there again. But at least I could fly to SouthShore this time. Bat #2 was much nicer, since I fed it.

Those pet abilities didn’t exist in Classic, for the pin and web.

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Yes, back in Vanilla I tamed one of the Stranglethorn gorillas and never looked back. Just be prepared ahead of trying to train one by carrying it’s favorite food along.

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