Pray tell, why?
You flood every space you’re in with your work and throw a pissy little tantrum when people ask you politely not to. You talk about me like I’m a sparring partner, then cry when you hear me tell you harsh things, even though you don’t really have any reason to dispute them. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.
Blizzard has not, and will not, ever take anything you say for their game, and nobody cares about Perfectia Dawnlight or the fetishistic fantasies you choose to live out with her. Get a damn grip.
While I understand where you’re coming from now, that still has nothing to do with the Ashbringer.
I personally hate that cinematic (maybe it’s in character for Illidan to not be a champion of the Light, but Illidan can one-shot a Prime Naaru!? edgelord and plot armor out the wazoo).
I don’t dispute them, but here we are having the same conversation over and over again. You telling everyone about my fan fiction and me saying thanking you for being a fan. But this was never about Perfectia. This was about Sylvanas eye’s turning blue.
You couldn’t just keep you month shut and had to tell people about my character’s bed time problems. And some people like Perfectia and the method to my madness for making Perfectia like that was Anduin having crushes on Draenei and Dwarfs. So I was thinking, “This is a but guy. He would fall head over heels for someone with some real booty.”
It wasn’t popular but it was based off of lore, and I’m going to stick to it. I will ask you nicely to “stop” and I will start reporting you if you keep harassing me.
What the hell’s happening here? Why are so many loons in the Story Forums as of late?
I’m a liberal so I always liked a good story based on free will and not religious faith. So I was willing to over look that for the sake of cool.
Sylvanas might be going through the same ringer of being a very disliked character in my opinion. Believing in destiny and the lesser evil for the greater good and changing her character in the last second. This happens to people (well, smart people) all the time. When evidence or circumstances come up, there opinions and views change and they realize they were a idiot before. It happened to Illidan, it happened to Velen, and I hope it happens to Sylvanas too.
You speak as if free will and religious faith are mutually exclusive.
In the Warcraft universe even people who despise higher powers acknowledge their existence and at least some of the their capabilities.
Illidan didn’t doubt the Light existed or had power, he just didn’t want to go without his fel (fix), thought he’d lose his freedom and has issues with authority.
By the way, it’s funny that Illidan’s all “Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced” but when Xe’ra tried to force fate’s hand, suddenly he sang a different tune; Xe’ra was much older than Illidan, more well-travelled, could read minds and had some prophetic power, what qualified Illidan to know more than her about “forcing fate’s hand”? If you enjoy it, that’s fine, I’m just stating where I stand, apologies for sounding confrontational.
Velen’s crisis of faith began because a prophecy he didn’t want to happen came to pass (concerning his son). I have no idea where Sylvanas’ “destiny is bad” came from, she started out not wanting to die because she didn’t want to go to hell/the Maw for her crimes.
I can’t see how free will and religious faith are the same.
I think Sylvanas believed in “a destiny” and her and Zovaal had a agreement that they shouldn’t be tied to eternal suffering. When I looked at the cinematic and saw the portal Zovaal went into I predicted that it might have something to do with the Timewalkers. Then I remembered the infinite dragonflight design and that misty black aura they have and I’m thinking… We might be doing something with them.
They aren’t the same, but you don’t have to give up one to have the other (faith, including religious faith, involves choice). Do you think all religious people are devoid of free will?
I think if Sylvanas or Zovaal worked with the Bronze Dragonflight or the Infinite Dragonflight, that would be interesting (so far its a missed story opportunity, especially given).
So is Dazar alive?
Any Forsaken?
That’s never how this worked.
This sounds like you’re projecting, because you literally built a character made solely to be fetishized - she has a big butt, but she’s NOT FAT ANYWHERE ELSE because she needs to be sculpted how you like. It’s tremendously transparent that you didn’t write this because you wanted to create something - you did it cause you’re horny.
I know this, but given that you seem to be under the impression that Blizzard ripped specifically YOU off - and not the hundreds of other people making the same theories - you could use some perspective. The fact that you think people want to hear about your fetish OC is part of that.
Three minutes are up. The bell rang. Any further fighting will just get you penalized.
Boi, do you do anything but complain?
Yes, I play games, art, writing, I sometimes design games, I have a job and a family. What do you do other then complain?
All of that. I have a wonderful wife, I have a powerful job, she criticizes me for being egocentric, ho ho ho.
You practice your mannerisms into the wall, if this MIRROR were CLEARER I’d be standing so tall.
It means that she has Hunter powers despite being undead. That’s why there was a Dark Ranger side quest in the Hunter Order Hall.
Don’t think they’re going to make an incredibly clear way to not be forsaken again, even if it only means elfs can do it.
She got the other less evil or w/e part of her soul back. She is going to stay in shadowlands and be something there. Always needs to be a jailer or some bs like that. Should have killed her off but here we are.