The Ashbringer is capable of not just taking the energies from demons and undead. I’ve seen the Ashbringer change forms and become a weapon that drains power from all living things. This sword that I carry is capable of draining life and using that life energy as a weapon. I could enhance my power ten-fold as a death knight and drain all life that surrounds me increasing it by 100-fold to be used against the Legion and if my back was against the wall, if the people around me are scared, trapped, and completely useless in battle. I would still not do the things Illidan did that night. The ones that would be willing to fight would stand with me to hold the line and the ones that were too scared would have a fighting chance to escape. The Ashbringer will never again be used as a weapon for evil; even in the afterlife I will make sure that the Ashbringer stays a shining beacon of Light. You can call whatever happened that night whatever you want to call it, but it was wrong. The soldiers, companions, and champions that I keep as company will end the Legion, not some predestined man child that believes he’s entitled to greatness.