Can we please have an alternative way of obtaining the Blackwing Lair class trinkets? I full cleared BWL every week when it was current content and have been back roughly 50% of resets since attempting to try to get the Shaman class trinket. I have only seen it drop three times and unfortunately lost the rolls. Blizzard, I am begging you to please put the class trinkets on the real vendor or allow us to purchase them with excess remnants of valor.
+1 agreeds
Please dont, it will kill BWL off entirely
Nah. I dunno about Horde side, but on Ally side a lot more people would get invites to BWL raids if raid leaders werenât being cringe about class trinkets namely the Paladin trinket.
The point of reals is to encourage engagement with content. Less people get to engage with content when thereâs cringe HR drama on desirable items. Look at Kazzak - thing is giga dead because people always HR the only thing people want.
True story. What is the point of end game reals if there is nothing to spend them on? I bought Wartorn Supply Crates with 150 reals and got crap. Why would I want to continue farming MC or BWL?
I dunno. Do you like toys?
Mildly amusing, but I have no desire to accumulate them.
Updates on this?
who cares about bwl we are in naxx lolll
When class trinkets are bis in Naxx I think alot of classes care
ask a shaman/mage/rogue if they are having fun doing bwl in the last 10 resets trying to get a single trinket
I was in a 40-man BWL the other day with 20 Rets plus a handful of Mages, Rogues, and like 1 tank plus a couple priest healers trying to get Cassandras.
Thereâs definitely an issue there, lol.
its ez to fix, remove reals cap>put bwl gear on the vendor> people now spam dungeons and all raids to get reals>sod saved PogT
I bet BWL raid comps would look less deranged if people were running it for reals rather than loot as well. Nobody needs anything from MC but tons of people still run it and the raid comps are healthy because its just reals runs and everyone catching up needs reals.
No it wouldnt. All raids would cease in like 2 weeks of older content. Gl getting gear if youre new or an alt.
They did the right thing. Only thing i would advocate for is for items off the real vendor to be perhaps account bound soo you can send them to an alt. Account bound reals means no cap to them and probably exploitation. If there was a way for tokens to be account bound or some item to be account bound that you could exchange for tokens it would be massive tbh
Kind of the opposite would happen. If you put things people care about on the Real vendor, you would have plenty of raids running for a long time time because people have multiple alts.
I donât even touch BWL anymore but if there were items worth farming Reals for, Iâd be in there every week.
yeah right people would run bwl over scholo/strath that they can spam everyday. totally sound logic.
Gl forming a grp then
You canât do both? BWL is once weekly and lots of people still need items