Buying Corruptions

Sooo… I’d just like to know why my main keeps getting screwed? I main a fire mage. Not one single masterful has ever dropped for me in raid, dungeons, chests, etc.

Now you have a new system where we can buy corruptions. Masterful is currently being sold for echoes, BUT GUESS WHAT? My main can’t access the corruptions.

PLEASE tell me you’re going to fix this! This isn’t fair. I’ve played ALL xpac, I get the weekly chest EVERY SINGLE WEEK since BFA launched. I cannot get my corruption for the life of me and I thought this was gunna be great because I finally can get my seemingly untouchable for me personally corruption but guess what? I can’t. Fix it? Please?

I believe they opened it up so mains can now receive the echoes, you just need to farm them up.

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here is a quote from a blue

There’s currently a bug with some realms, and they will be doing restarts tonight to try and fix it. MOTHER not showing me Corruption - #3 by Kaivax