But serious...i want my purple demon form back!

as the tittle suggests, i miss the old metamorphosis…
and yes i know demon hunters exist, and yes i did played a lot with them , and NO, its not the same thing.
i like the new stuff demonology got, changed and whatever for legion to bfa, i understand the idea and the reason behind why they made the change…
However i still miss the form, its doesnt hurt to make it a cd that complements the gamestyle or something, or just overall an actual CHOICE for the player for a secondary gameplay standpoint where you sacrifice a bunch of demons so you empower yourself (instead of the demon tyrant) as a demon and do a lot of dmg, i think thats sounds cool.
and also, with the whole shadow council, green fire quest and everything, demon form warlocks is already a lore confirmed thing for them, removing the form after the fact its a little too late blizzard.


I personally miss that ability that let you run at a slower rate while casting. it helped so much in pvp and in raids.


You are literally playing the class that warlocks stole it from. Demonology had meta because there was no Dh class and being a demon has been proven to be “cool” by many renowned scientists

Just go play your Dh if you want meta because you know that’s kinda their thing.

People like you are why the game sucks right now


Question. What if they went the dark apotheosis route with it. (demonic wings / horns) but it functioned like old demonology (meaning one of the versions prior to Legion but after BC) would anyone here be okay with that. Or is meta something that you would want and apotheosis doesn’t cut it?

edit: Wanted to also ask if anyone would be okay with the current design, but apotho / meta is the major cd instead of tyrant?

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U mad a spell not for your spec was taken away? Wah!

Meta was always a demon hunter thing starting with good ol edgelord illidan himself.

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How did illidan get the ability, Dreadblight…

read up on your lore, people. Can’t have metamorphosis if locks never existed in the first place y’all. With that being said, I’d like it back please and thank you.


If we get DA back can it be a 4th spec?

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i doubt blizzard would do that, too much effort compared to the fastest way they usually prefer to use to do their stuff.

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as i clearly stated before… i played a lot with demon hunters, and its not the same, its a totally different feeling, telling me to go play demon hunter because i miss old metamorphosis is like telling people who wants the necromancer class to just play unholy dk cause its literally the same thing, and no, its not!
demon hunters feel like a agile fel demon warrior, metamorphosis warlock feels like the overlord of dark magic spamming powerfull big dark spells agaisnt anyone who stands in his way.

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I’m personally against a 4th spec or a new class. I think they need to work with what we have for an expansion or two. So right now the last thing I would want to see is a 4th spec of anything. I enjoyed DA and it was really fun to mess with (especially in pvp). But I wouldn’t want to see it show up as a spec…right now. Maybe I’ll have a different opinion in a year, but at this very moment I’m gonna go with a no on a 4th spec.

Demo locks had the best metamorphosis

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Same here.

I might add that , while I’m not a programmer or coder , I doubt that adding it back as an optional spell to play tank for all of 30 seconds ( ? ) ,

for people who , I suspect , not uncommonly , don’t play tanks ,

wouldn’t break the bank.


I couldn’t care less about it being a Demon Hunter thing originally. It was part of the Warlock class for almost a decade, there’s a ton of lore supporting it being part of Warlocks, and the spec’s playstyle when it had Meta was incredibly fun.

Besides, before WotLK were introduced Warlocks had Death Coil. Guess what happened when Death Knights were added into the game with their own Death Coil?

Nothing, it stayed as both a Warlock and a Death Knight spell, and it’s still around to this day. The only thing that changed was the Warlock version being rebranded to Mortal Coil later on in MoP.

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i want dark apotheosis back. It made demo fun. They could work it now that the minions build your threat and that you give up your ability to summon your tyrant or something for it.

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I really really with all my heart and soul miss Metamorphosis on Demonology, seriously MoP and early WoD was the most fun I had as Demonology, although I liked Destruction in legion cause of Dimensional Rift made it less boring and fluid…(Main Warlock since Vanilla).

I seriously do not see why can’t DH and Locks both have the skill?, both play completely different both visually look different…

Seriously you felt so powerful, growing horns and glowing green (I had codex of xerath), then transforming and unleashing hell…

I always thought your the master of demons and then become one yourself was amazing…

Then they remove it (patch 7.2.2 I think, late WoD) and in legion Gul’dan transform into a demon… kick us while we down.

Edit: still main warlock, but it’s definitely a shadow of its former self, I’m waiting to see what’s changing in shadowlands, if nothing major it may be the first expansion I main another class (looking into shaman)… 15 years of warlock down the drain.

Every expansion, every patch I’ve always hoped Metamorphosis comes back, hopefully with this unpruning happening we finally see a return of this great skill.

To be fair all Warlocks specs felt so good in MoP.

Pretty sure Illidan learnt Metamorphosis through the skull of Gul’dan, literally in lore itself written by Blizzard it is from Warlocks.

Generally thought people from RP servers new lore… to help RP, guess not :man_shrugging:t4:

Lorewise I don’t see why not, using fel for such a prolonged period of time is going to do stuff to us. I don’t see why we couldnt use meta form.


I’m sure spriests wouldn’t mind giving demo its transformation playstyle back.

Also demonology isnt the study of demons but of demonic(fel) energies and its effects as anything corrupted by fel is a demon. Study of demons themselves would be study of the creatures they were corrupted from and that would probably fall under zoology. Becoming a demon yourself is just a step forward in studying it.


thats true… kanrethad its a good example of that
ps: btw if you´re warlock max level and dont know who kanrethad is, i feel bad for you

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