Burning the Trees

Yea, but they don’t really talk to each other. It’s for balance purpose that each side has a good/bad cousin.

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yeah…I guess it’s not the same kind of “mind” behind it.

First, Sylvanas burned telldrassil for 1 reason: kill the maximum number of people to collect more anima.

second, the old gods wanted to infiltrate everywhere, burning the trees serves the purpose of weakening, preventing or inhibiting enemy forces.

They are similar actions for different purposes…

In the end, all that remains in question is…

…if Sylvanas died, but due to the power of death used by arthas, her soul was trapped in the living plane, the jailer, by returning her entire soul…made her alive again? Couldn’t she just go back to the normal plane? Did she lose her banshee queen powers? Is percolator coffee stronger?


I assume that wasn’t their original intention as it sounded like there would be corruption-- but maybe Fyakk does succeed in the end like Razsageth? :robot:

With many eyes, they will see again. They will drink, and be uplifted.
Deeper, deeper its roots will reach. Welcoming our embrace.
Her dreams sing beneath the surface. Our dreams. Our song.

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I don’t think that’s how that works. She just became a normal soul, with the piece that Frostmourne chopped off returned to her. She’s still dead as a doornail.


But what about banshee powers? the scream, the flying, the shadow power…etc? If she was trapped by arthas in the real plane…she should be free from the bonds of the plane of the dead and could travel normally between the planes, right?

In the end, the power she showed was shadow/death, not void. This explains the difference between each action.


We dont know how void affects beings of elemental origins. Also, its possible hes just empowered. He wasnt stable to begin with. And its not like hes crazy yet. He has a plan.

The elements have always had a void god relationship. From your quote in guessing they (void lords) want to infect the tree to infect Azeroth herself.


Being a banshee doesn’t have anything to do with getting stabbed by Frostmourne. The extra death powers she showed at the end of BfA came from the Jailer.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about here. She was killed by Arthas using Frostmourne, it ate a chunk of her soul (the good part, I guess) which the Jailer nabbed and kept hold of until he shoved it back into her when she randomly turned on him.

Nothing that’s happened to her has had anything to do with being bound to any particular plane of existence. She was just dead, and then undead, and is now sentenced to eternity (or eternity adjacent) wandering the Maw.

That is correct. Sylvanas has never had anything to do with void.

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remember when elune said she let the night elves in teldrassil die so she can give them to the winterqueen instead of saving the night elves which normally she would have LOL and remember its the souls of these night elves and that scene of elune and the winterqueen using their powers to make a tear of elune that is both their power to turn into the tree that now is targeted to be burnt. gosh its almost like world trees are a magnet for fire.


Not too sure what the Old Gods would gain as I already think the Old Gods infect Azeroth and used to affect the Emerald Dream. :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: I even noticed the Twilight Hammer aren’t around though possible the Primalists weren’t planned out either.

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the only problem i have with burning world trees is if night elves are not on them or not dying in droves from it or for it. victory for the horde death to the alliance!


You’re a little too excited about burning trees. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait for Blizzcon, I hope we get an expansion reveal.

The Void Strikes Back.
Void and Voider.
Dude where’s my Void?

when i play horde im full on anti alliance full alliance most be wiped out zero compassion.



GLORY TO THE SIN’DOREI DEATH TO THE NIGHT ELVES!! blood elves should be druids and we should take that power by force from the night elves memories


trees bad only beton usa usa usa

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Which could be annoying given how often the horde are dragged around by Tyrande or Jania. :hook::robot:

I see serious implications at some points in the story.

First, there was a very old comic, where Sylvanas was shown as a banshee queen whose voice could echo and knock someone down a considerable distance. I tried to find it on google but i got no lucky.

Why am I bringing this point here? She obtained this power upon her death, when Arthas transformed her.

He killed her, and turned her into a banshee queen…and she managed to “possess” her body back.

In the end, the powers she had/has? are the result of the death magic used by Arthas.

having said that…that would be a hack on the rules of shadowlands. Where would she be…free from the constraints of staying in the shadowlands or not.

The power of death used by Arthas gave her a free pass in certain aspects, she’s just in the Maw paying her punishment because she wants to, from what I see.

Now if we look at Alleria… she fights against a voice in her mind, she is not totally free… the power of chaos in her is what demonstrates the difference between death and chaos.

and what “empowers” her is represented by a purple color.

That voice in her mind constantly wants to kill everyone around her, consume everything…

…and in the end this demonstrates the difference between burning a tree for a greater purpose (anima) and burning it out of anger and chaos (void)

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Burning trees and playing wow, name a more iconic duo

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Better yet is California the void and art is imitating life? :eyes:

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