Burning Legion Horde Reconnections

Hovanak - Orc Warrior - Method

Still selling Lionheart helm crafting.

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Well well well, look what we have here…
Also, part of the same guild as the scrub poster above me :slight_smile:


Mechanical and Rentarogue i miss those two clickers man they had no keybinds and got stoned all the time

I was the druid Bigpimpn in Bambootown

Character name: Bigpimpn
Class Druid
Guilds Bambootown and Rosetta Stoned

Character name: Leucemia
Class: Priest
Guilds: The princess collection, og
I was leading the rank 14 group on Burning Legion sometimes during the day.
I remember Beefy, Royalchaos, Velmer.

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Character Name: Pandah
Class: Troll Rogue
Played mostly PVP (stayed at 49 for quite a while) with some pug raiding here and there.

Kaligaran here. Still playing the same troll hunter on Broken Legion!

Was in Shadow Strikers from vanilla through WotLK.

We joint raided with with Brothers of Night from 2007 through 2009 before merging with them to form Crossbones just prior to Cata release.

Welcome back to our returning friends!

To our past guildies, stop into your old server and say hi sometime. You’d be surprised how many vanilla people are still around from both SS and BoN!
Crossbones is still active too!

Name: Ugara
Class: Orc Shaman
Guild: Og

PVP’d a lot as enhance, I had Sulfuras, hand of Ragnaros made it to Rank 11

Character names:
Brutaldeath - Tauren Warrior
Silentkiler - Troll Rogue
Achmed- Undead Rogue

Guild: JAGD. Was not in JAGD Empire pre-JAGD days.

Looking for anyone from the guild and a troll hunter (I think) named Lazarus.

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I remember the drama over this, it was really funny in retrospect.

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played a NE Warrior Melkoir in back in vanilla.

I remember just about everyone in this thread lol. It is nice to see so many old names.

Name: Redalb
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Guild: Zeksonic Legion


Character’s name: Zargal or Northia
Race: Orc or undead
Class: Warrior or Spriest
Guilds: Forget the name. Raid leader (or GM) was Candle, a tauren warrior. Remember an undead mage named Mashimaru or something along those lines.

PvP’d a disgusting amount on my warrior Zargal with quite decent success.

Btag: Cathina#1865

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Hey Bud,

Its Sacerdotte the Undead Holy priest, I played with you in WOLK with Bambootown, raided with you, Morf and Dyna.

Hi all, I was Vaaldeth, originally an undead warlock in Keepers of the Shadow.

Remember lots of the old crew, Agidan, Craghack, Devnull, Sagei, Tibian, Paddyjack etc.

Looks like this time some friends from work will be playing with me and plan on doing Alliance this time. Going to be on the Myzrael PVE server, curious if any efforts being made to reform those remaining for classic? I see the guild is still active on retail.

lol yeah rentarogue that him. we use to play all the time together before all the fancy friends list stuff… then they stopped playing not sure if they ever came back. my paladins name was Facesmasherr back then .

we were in rosettastoned together.

Name: Sylas
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Guild: Method