Burning Legion Alliance Reconnections

Bellemadison here I was the GM of Three Kingdoms after Kaelathas left the game. Used to play with Gritzngravy, Littlemage, Instamario, Aegis, Kerina, ATX, Rastafari, and AZTLobo - Gamertag is Onslaught#1800 - add me up - A bunch of us are rolling Alliance on Faerlina.

I remember you.

Dorrotche (not sure what kind of pronunciation I was going for there), night elf hunter.

I think I was in State Alchemists for a while and Malice for a bit? Trying to raid when I was in middle school was not the brightest idea.

I remember Derman from ascension’s pally core.

Long time no see old friend.

Well, if it isn’t the legend himself.

Name : Ravenash
Guilds : DeathWatch, AEnema, Anger Management, Exodus, Mjollnir
Players I remember : Zitch, Azliashane, Xena, SIlendeath, Ratspike, Pathone, Axel, Shamazing and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of a female dwarf priest that loaned me the gold to buy my epic flying in BC after I got gladiator in s2, I think she was in AEnigma.

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Raven! Where’s the love? I’m going to let Joshuamw know you don’t remember him.

Omg adonos!!! How’s he doing ?!

Ravinn how’s it going man it’s been so long lmao

I ended up rolling alliance again, think we’re going to be playing on whitemane ( all my buddies picked that realm ).

Battletag is Tragedy#1882

Gnome Warlock
Very Hairy Man Guild

I don’t remember many folks that I played with back in the day, but a dwarf pally named something like thunderpuncher rings a bell somewhere. If anyone remembers me or that pally send me a message sometime!

Selinas - Nelf Warrior of BEPU

I remember Modann was the man.


Eilla, NE Hunter
Raided With, Matha(Curry!), Alrin, Avengance(i think i spelled it right?)

Love to meet some old folks.

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Mana Blob?

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He’s living that married life these days lol. Not sure if he’s going to jump in for Classic or not. He hasn’t played WoW in years, but I know he’s had bouts of nostalgia haha.

I still play most expansions, but take long breaks and don’t really raid persay. I’ll be sure to add you.

Whitemane PvP, I know some peeps wanting Alliance PvP so I’ll see if I can get them going that route.

Man, do you remember if Xena ever made it to rank14? I completely lost track of him mid Naxxramas but I was actually worried that he never logged off, like literally never.

Guess who’s back, back again, mana blobs back, tell yo friends. 40 man raids have been calling my name ever since 2006. Do i dare answer? Now equipped with a fullsize keyboard and mouse. No longer will my heals be relegated to the laptop!


Woah Kamara! Long time no see man. Haven’t even skimmed this thread to see if any others I know are back but had to reply instantly when I saw you.

Anyways sup guys!

Name: Drain the human Paladin.
Guilds: Started in Inapproriate (Mofos) after a tiny stint in Octavians guild Kirin Tor like most of the server. Then went to Stormwind Vanguard as an officer with my boy Hormel. Of course we left to Dark Iron when it dropped but I still miss so many BL players.

I’ll have to post some of my old BL pics here later when I get time. I still have many like the big early server raid Octavian and Justinian led from SW to TM with all us lowbies only for us to be slaughtered by people already high level like Dingler, Durn, And Eve. Then I’ve got my old SWVG pics saved and some epic battles I had in Inappropriate with mofos against Clan Seks.

Hope to see more familiar faces as I read this whole thread. I’m on vacation now so I won’t be able to talk for a week but my Tag is Drain#1713. Not official yet but I believe I’ll be on Herod as horde come launch.

PS Kamara - man I missed you after you left us on Dark Iron. I always enjoyed chatting it up with you as you were leveling! You and Woox both gave up too soon back in the day!

Character: Moonfang
Night Elf Druid
Guild: Vengeance
I remember Ajh, Kenamoto, Yunalesca, Anaxus, Daggers, Metall, Kseftil, Patspriest, Noebody, Apexgoran, Witeclaw. :smiley:
Battletag: Korhal#1386 (still play)