Burning Legion Alliance Reconnections

I’ll just post this for the group of us that’s returning.

Names: Noebody(warlock), Malcome(rogue), Apex(mage), Dallyllama(priest).

Guild: Imperial, Vengeance.

Just seeing if there’s anybody else around. Probably rolling on one of the PvP. Most of us have played on and off since vanilla. Going ally once again. Hi Jarlan & Koda.

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Strongly considering RP-PvP to keep away from the streamers and we have a few people who like RP (it is about 50/50 right now).

We are still trying to figure it out though.

Definitely remember you. I believe I may have helped out occasionally with either your group or someone else’s through a hunter (can’t remember his name anymore)

What server?

Damn man, I remember rolling with you in the BLRA

Boooooooooooooooooooooooo. I might come join you with a alt on a Paladin if you don’t mind, once I get my horde priest up to 60.

Hit me up on BNet (Anaximaner#1620)

Once upon a time i was on BL till mug’thol transfer. (With this character, Halor)

I dont remember the guild names except Tyranny,

hit me up on bnet if you remember me. ( if you transferred to mug’thol i was in Templar Knights) Ranky#1720

Name: Bossman
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf


Zin Azshara, Persistenza, Vengeance
Gnome Mage - Zippster

Going Horde this time around

Anyone from Ænigma, Ropetown, JAGD, etc…

Zippy! It’s been so long! How’ve you been man?

I remember you man. My father and I were the main tanks in PG. Zvolcomz and Cyclone.

Been doing good man, if you wanna catch up my bnet ID is Zippydave#1344

Zipp!. yeah man i remember you!

Samelina!. yeah man you and your wife are from Memphis right? I still play retail some man. Hit me up. PyroX300#1539

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Jedi! Yeah man everyone i played alliance with is going Horde so.

Holy crap, Koda! I used to heal for Defiant, Advent and 8FP. A Canadian Dwarf called Gromlo. I never imagined you and Rico still played. I probably wont be playing Classic either, but it’s pretty cool to see you’re still around. Say hi to Rico if you guys still chat. BT is DeltaVee#11941. Feel free to say hi!

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Yep. We still run a one night aotc guild. Ill send your stuff his way- we just had your name come up on discord the other day.

Damn Gromlo!!
Long time since i’ve seen that name :smiley:
how u been?

Name: Harmoniez
Night Elf Druid
Guild: 8FP and Advent

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we just had your name come up on discord the other day.

Haha. I can’t even imagine how that came about?? lol

Happy to hear you guys are still doing good! Hit me up with your bt info if you want. Could be cool to catch up. It’s sure been a few.

Hey! Doing well. Can’t believe so many people still play. I wonder who else is out there!

I’m no Lyre, haven’t seen him around in ages…but maybe you remember a fellow Dwarf priest called Gromlo? Anyways, it’s good to see you’re still around man! Hope you are doing well.

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