Burning Crusade Classic Season 4 Ends August 29

Will the Season 4DK gear that was added (much) later in the original releases be available? I know this would be a change, but it would give DKs a real ability to compete in PvP during prepatch, and a gear set to work for.

If they wipe honor for Wrath then it could negate all that and you might as well blow it on S4 gear.

Any chance we can get a blue post confirming the 10:1 ratio on arena points to honor?

There was no post season discount in OGTBC. But with the state of things and blizzards free handout policy your post season discount now, is them converting s4 to be purchasable with honor.


Season’s also didn’t last 12 weeks.

I just want them to continue doing what they’ve been doing. They changed that again and offered no explanation as to what’s happening with the over capped arena points.

Exactly, we were pleased with the discount and the decision of Blizzard team at the end of season 3, and here is the blue post on May 2nd: BCC Season 3 PvP Updates
Developers’ note was attached:
*** Developers’ notes: This should allow for players who reached the cap of 5,000 Arena Points to buy their set and a two-hand weapon, or their set and main hand and an offhand item.**
We expected we would get the same at the end of season 4, so we reached the cap of 5,000 Arena Points. Now we hope there will be some solutions about the situation that both honor and arena points capped.


Does this mean our marks of honor will be converted to honor automatically as well?

I, and I know many others, would like to request that Season 4 gear also be purchased at the discounted rate like every other season for Arena points.

Have the Arena vendors sell Season 4 gear at discounted Arena points, and vendors in Hall of Honor and Alliance equivalent buy for Honor.

This is a very easy fix, please do this for us. Care about the player base and make this fun for us.


No, they are added to your currency tab.

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48H later.
Still not a word on what people with 75k honor and 5k arena points are supposed to do on both NA and EU forums.

Even if you don’t have a solution/answer yet a response of any type would be nice.


Still nothing?

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What time does US maintenance usually happen?

7 AM Pacific usually.

They do not care. That intern is overworked. :sweat_smile:

120H later.
Anything to share with us at all?

Did you forget that some people were 75k honor capped already? What can we do with our 5k arena points that are about to vanish in a week?

I know many have said it but I just want to add one more petition for some transparency regarding season 4 end.

Please let us know the following bits of information:
S4 gear prices after season end in honor
What will happen to Arena Points converted into honor when pushing over the 75K honor cap
Any opportunity to buy S4 arena gear with points at a discount before Arena Points get pushed to honor

Thank you


Instead of converting the arena points to honor they should put in vender to convert your arena points to honor and add both gear for arena points and honor. Fixed


It’s sarcasm in response to their sh1t take on removing RDF

I dont think most of us give a hoot about the rdf as long as it doesnt let you que heroics or give rewards.

After reading thru all this I see no mention anywhere about gold reimbursement for Honor. Why is that? That’s how it was originally handled when TBC ended & Wrath was dropping.