Burning Crusade Classic Season 2 Ends January 11

Thank you for the update. Are you able to confirm the arena point conversions and gear discounts will be handled the same way they were for season 1/2?

Same discounts and points converting the day season 3 starts?

EDIT: Thankfully, It looks like it’s going to be just like season 1.


Can we confirm S2 gear will be discounted in a similar fashion as S1?


Thank you for the heads-up. Will there be a period where we can spend arena points on S2 gear at half price/no rating requirement like there was in S1, or should I spend my arena points before the season ends?


Please this. With the shorter season as compared to original it would help.

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On the PTR, for the brief amount of time it was up, I flew over to the nagrand pvp vendor and it had Merc gear at 50% discount. So I can assume it will be.

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While the PTR was up, I saw season 2 gear with the same discounts as last season, so hopefully.

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I can’t imagine they would have it like that on PTR just to change it to a new system when it’s actually released.

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How long is post season?

Normally it’s just 1 week. With how bad the PTR was maybe 2 this time?

merge oce and us s3 pls thanks


I heard 2021 and a 15 year old game is the same as 2007 and a new game. Who would have thunk.

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If the transition for season 1 into season 2 is an indicator, then we should see season 3 and Phase 3 raids the following week. If I have to wait longer than 3 weeks for Hyjal/BT I’m going to be seriously pissed. It’s only been two weeks and I’m already sick of running easy mode SSC/TK. Blizzard really screwed up by nerfing that content to such an extreme degree so long before the next phase.


xaryu one of the best mages in arena out there, has stopped playing, he posted a video explaining “Why I’m Not Playing WoW Right Now”, the main point is, it’s highly competitive serious, and stressful, less of fun, promoting and entertaining. I have friends who stopped playing arena for the same reason, but enjoy BGs quite a lot, I don’t know how, but you guys really should think about how to make arena more fun and easier to progress, maybe even less ranking points to lose after a loss and vice versa, that way making it easier to climb up, I think that way, there will be a bigger player pool, more appealing to players who have some interests in pvp and more motivating for players to improve, even just little by little, instead of scaring them away.


When do discounts for Season 2 begin? Is it after the season ends on the 11th? Or the week leading up to the 11th?

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I believe the week before it ends.

when will our arena points reset and the discount take into effect? Will it be like the off week between S1 and S2 where we had 1 week to spend our points on the discounted items before points converted to honor?

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Go to wowhead and read the blue post.

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Please release phase 3 a week after so
A) we can get back to doing arena
B) we don’t have to do these boring over nerfed raids anymore
C) we can finally do the new raids

Ahhh okay I was reading the wrong blue post—thanks.

No. Just no. It is already easy to climb up with the MMR system how it is. Just get better