If you get this, some of us are on Thalnos currently. Whitelitenin, Viggens, Frost from those guilds and Harassing Behavior.
Druid - Hotchokolot
don’t remember the names of the guilds i was in on this server
hi its me zugrug best shaman on the world
Hey what’s up everybody.
I was Spudinator, orc rogue in Mindgame and part of the pvp farm team to get Fistan server first HWL. Duffmanseven and I are on Benediction to avoid hour long+ queue times. I tried getting Rigamortis to play but he’s in China (he’s gonna hook us up with some gold farmers though lol) and I’m still working on getting Sciatika to come back too.
Spudinator#1992 is my battle net
I seriously didnt think I would hear those two names again, (Rig and Sciatika) thats some old school people
Fistan did not get Server First HWL. Tyralocus (or however his name was spelled) the Orc Warlock was the first HWL. He beat Fistan by like a month.
Wheres your warrior boi?
Didn’t get into raiding until BC but
Oogrumis - orc lock
taeloc - tauren druid.
Believe I did raiding with UT in BC. I’m on Kirtonos. Blizz ID Tuson#11176.
Despair - Undead Rogue, Mindgame rogue officer.
I gave up our first Perditions to Rigamortis because I had more DKP
Rolled a Dwarf Priest on Pagle. Bunch of RL friends went alliance.
So many names. MissMissMiss, sciatika, Rig, Beasthunter (he still banned?)
This is the same character, with a name change and a faction change.
Tyralocus robbed him of it, yea. And I thought it was a week when the ranks updated? Either way, I was in Fistan’s group lol
Lol Purehate got banned for using that teleport hack and going to GM island. I remember us running LBRS as a rogue group as a tryout
Orc Rogue
Cyto - Undead Mage
Another AoF reporting in!
Mageic QQ bearz
Does anyone remember the guild leader Kitty? Had a feud with Topcat years ago. Can’t remember the guild name
Latrine - Tauren Warrior
Conclusion - Blood Elf Rogue
Hey! I’m the tank in that video. Lot of names I remember here. I raided in Crunch, Unholy Trinity, Odium…maybe more? Can’t remember anymore. Pretty sure I was the server first Warglaive in BC although other guilds had been killing Illidan for way longer.
Irate#1491 if anyone wants to add me.
I’ll give it a try, why not? Anyways,
Tauren Shaman - his name was Greathealer even though I was not that great at healing pFFT
I couldn’t really stay in a guild, so N/A.
I was at the tail end of classic, but I made a few friends that I’d love to see again.
Gonk here. #AoF / HoPE.
Only the most classic of classic players will remember
[H] < GoReHaMMeR > [Sulfuras]
If you are a former member of GoReHaMMeR, please find us on Sulfuras server of Classic.
GB and I (Mazzith priest from the fallen) are playing on Skeram rode side. Were in my retail guild Never More. Raiding sunday 3pm if ya interested.