Burning Blade Horde Reconnections

Icnhschzbrgr, Tauren Warrior
Me So Hordey

Looking for any of the folks from that guild.

Hey lewie this is kedavra. Piecemaker and I are definitely playing classic.

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Caillie - Troll Priest

Looking for cuppincakes to play wc3 reforged

Zyz from Aegis of Fire :smiley:


Spinalripper, Orc Shaman (STILL my main)
Livid and Gifted
Whomever! I need my enchanting crate back!

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Anyone here from Eleventh Hour Hero’s?

zyz I remember you. Maybe Dallas will come back.


Hyduke - Troll shaman. Looking for UD priest named Beerab, Orc hunter named Circus and a troll shaman named Tabit

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Name: Narcess/Kairos
Class: Warlock
Guild: Eleventh Hour Heroes -> Twisted Nerve -> Odium


Name: Sileblade, Tauren Druid
Guild: Eleventh Hour Heroes and Odium

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Sycn - UD rogue

Guild: honestly don’t recall lol

Don’t remember the names of people either just hoping maybe someone remembers me!

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Omok, Tauren Warrior.
Belfor, Undead Rogue.

I started with Cult of the Titans on Burning Blade. When the guild disolved I joined Unholy Trinity and have played casually since.


Synister - Undead Warlock
Guild - Mindgame

If anyone from Mindgame is going to start playing again let me know!


Manipulated - Troll Mage
Affect - Tauren Druid
Odium, AoF, Twisted nerve, cult of the Titans

I got some other old friends like rocksolid, azill, zapatta, fireandice/hellza, bapesta coming as well

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KAIROS!!! OMG haven’t seen you in years dude. It’s manipulated

Tazeell, Troll Shaman

Oh hey there

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Malnemesis - Undead Warlock
Clavain - Troll Warrior

Mindgame, Veritas Invictus

Feel free to add me on bnet, Fartbox#11562


Iceicebaby - Orc Hunter - Raided with AoF
Dwarfkilla - Troll Rogue - Raided with Post Mortem
Terrible names I know lol


Hey Manipilated, it’s crazy looking at this list and seeing quite a few Odium members coming back. Can’t wait to get back in game running classic!