Icnhschzbrgr, Tauren Warrior
Me So Hordey
Looking for any of the folks from that guild.
Icnhschzbrgr, Tauren Warrior
Me So Hordey
Looking for any of the folks from that guild.
Hey lewie this is kedavra. Piecemaker and I are definitely playing classic.
Caillie - Troll Priest
Looking for cuppincakes to play wc3 reforged
Zyz from Aegis of Fire
Spinalripper, Orc Shaman (STILL my main)
Livid and Gifted
Whomever! I need my enchanting crate back!
Anyone here from Eleventh Hour Hero’s?
zyz I remember you. Maybe Dallas will come back.
Hyduke - Troll shaman. Looking for UD priest named Beerab, Orc hunter named Circus and a troll shaman named Tabit
Name: Narcess/Kairos
Class: Warlock
Guild: Eleventh Hour Heroes -> Twisted Nerve -> Odium
Name: Sileblade, Tauren Druid
Guild: Eleventh Hour Heroes and Odium
Sycn - UD rogue
Guild: honestly don’t recall lol
Don’t remember the names of people either just hoping maybe someone remembers me!
Omok, Tauren Warrior.
Belfor, Undead Rogue.
I started with Cult of the Titans on Burning Blade. When the guild disolved I joined Unholy Trinity and have played casually since.
Synister - Undead Warlock
Guild - Mindgame
If anyone from Mindgame is going to start playing again let me know!
Manipulated - Troll Mage
Affect - Tauren Druid
Odium, AoF, Twisted nerve, cult of the Titans
I got some other old friends like rocksolid, azill, zapatta, fireandice/hellza, bapesta coming as well
KAIROS!!! OMG haven’t seen you in years dude. It’s manipulated
Tazeell, Troll Shaman
Oh hey there
Malnemesis - Undead Warlock
Clavain - Troll Warrior
Mindgame, Veritas Invictus
Feel free to add me on bnet, Fartbox#11562
Iceicebaby - Orc Hunter - Raided with AoF
Dwarfkilla - Troll Rogue - Raided with Post Mortem
Terrible names I know lol
Hey Manipilated, it’s crazy looking at this list and seeing quite a few Odium members coming back. Can’t wait to get back in game running classic!