New subcontinent in the Eastern Kingdoms. Missed a few ideas, lol.
The Channel Islands: Islands in the channel between the mainland and Kul Tiras, these isles saw much action during the Second War. Left largely alone in the time since, with much of the global war behind the Alliance and Horde, it has become feasible to actually repair these abandoned shores.
Zul’dare: There used to be land where Baradin Bay currently exists. Settled by the Amani after the Great Sundering, the land was known well as “Zul’dare”. Several thousand years ago, the Amani struggled with mysterious invaders from the sea, and ended up sinking much of Zul’dare to survive. Many of the Channel Islands are what remains of the original landmass of Zul’dare.
Crestfall: Revisited only during the Fourth War for resources, Crestfall used to be an isle ruled by the Proudmoore Admiralty. The Second War forced Kul Tiras to abandon it. Now that tensions have cooled, Lord Admiral Jaina has moved to retake what belongs to a united Kul Tiras.
Havenswood: One of Gilneas’s earliest island colonies, the Barony of Havenswood was initially a refuge for many Gilneans fleeing the worgen and the Cataclysm. Yet, by the time the Gilnean people fled due to the invading Forsaken, all contact had been lost with the isle. If Gilneas is to be truly reclaimed, then so must be her territories.
The Zones:
Alliance and Horde zone. Alliance Hub: Southsore. Horde Hub: Errkan’alor
With the Amani Civil War ongoing, the Horde (through Quel’thalas) decides to get ahead of it by incorporating Zul’Dare into its territories before Yul’kan could use it to destroy Dera’ka. The Aman’ashari at their side, the Horde is quick to claim the coastal city of Errkan’alor. Ominously, the land is quiet. Only signs of the Old War remain, with all life still.
The Alliance (through the Proudmoore Admiralty) are not keen on letting the Horde claim Zul’Dare without their presence, and so ships from Kul Tiras and Hillsbrad both are sent to observe. For much of the island’s introduction, the Horde and Alliance groups combat orcish, human, and troll spirits that all speak of a great terror.
Midway through a quest where both factions find an abandoned orcish base, a mysterious people assault the island. One with the deep, they are known simply as “the Tide”. As we do not know their language and they are hostile towards us, we can’t discern much of their motivations or of their intentions. What is certain is that they worship a Great Leviathan, employ magicks similar to Tidesages and Sea Witches, are certainly not Naga, and their legs transform into fins in the water. They are incredibly strong, as well. Their elite warriors are fearsome enough to take on entire brigades of regular soldiers, and are similarly strong to the Heroes of Azeroth.
Who they are and what they want may not be clear, but what is clear is that Zul’Dare is but the beginning of their tale.
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Crestfall Keep. Horde Hub: Rend’gar Stronghold.
Cyrus Crestfall owes his name to this island. It was here that he fought and nearly died to Varok Saurfang. But… the wounds of war may ache still, but the war is over. It is time to return home. When the Horde hears of orc holdouts on the isle, they’re also quick to send an emissary out to see if anything can be done to turn these orcs away from the rising Dark Horde movement.
So Cyrus finds himself joined by a Saurfang.
Crestfall is primarily a zone made up of the ghosts of the Second War, Naga serving Warlord Zethresh, and a small naval conflict between the Alliance and Horde that causes a new Battleground (the Battle of Shadesmile Bay) to appear.
Alliance Zone. Hub: Havenswood Village
With Gilneas solidly reclaimed, King Greymane desires Gilneas to be one again. In this, he has made an approach upon all still Gilnean lands (meaning Kul Tiras is obviously excluded). Bradensbrook, Surwich, Ambermill, Pyrewood, and surprisingly the most problematic - Havenswood.
He tasks Commander Lorna Crowley and his daughter, Princess Tess Greymane, to see what happened to Havenswood. Where did the people go? It is a tale of feral beasts in the woods, people praying to old divinities, and of creatures of the abyssal dark terrorizing the minds and lands of men.
Tess and Lorna get to hang out and maybe… kiss? haha, but… actually?
Basically: Bloodborne the Zone, Featuring Our New Gay Friends.
Kalimdor (maybe) coming to Sints near you.