For the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms:
Three new zones in the South.
Northeron: A frigid, ominous, and mystical place in the Highlands. Destroyed by the Twilight’s Hammer and the Cataclsym, it has been largely abanonded since. The Wildhammer have been using Kirthaven as a launching point to reclaim lost ground.
The Redridge Range: The Redridge Mountain Range itself. As Stormwind’s power declines, much of the land falls into disarray. Militias spring up, young people grow disillusioned with their monarchy, and old ghosts resurface.
Balor: Taken by the Old Horde, Balor has long been abandoned by Stormwind. In a bid to regain popularity with its citizenry, Stormwind launches an expedition to restore its old domain.
For zone reworks, we have a bunch on the table. Elwynn, Duskwood, Redridge, Westfall, Stranglethorn, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, the Twilight Highlands, the Wetlands, the Badlands, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Swamp of Sorrows, Deadwind Pass, and the Blasted Lands.
Vashj’ir has been removed.
Let’s go, fellas. It’s been a while and I’m fired up.
The Zones:
Alliance zone. Hub: Stormwind City, Goldshire
Stormwind is declining. After the catastrophic losses it sustained over the Legionfall Campaign, the Fourth War, and the Scourge crisis; it has begun to face the greatest civil crisis in its long history. Poverty is widespread through a once prosperous Kingdom.
Stormwind City itself fairs poorly. The city’s saw necessary expansions during the aftermath of the Fourth War, hoping to house refugees and citizens incapable of living in Stormwind’s provinces. This new district, the “New Town” or “Gold Quarter” was funded with money Stormwind didn’t have. This has led to much of the city falling into poverty, poverty that the Kingdom has no clue how to solve. Many people are forced into crime to try and make ends meet. The Stockades see an expansion for this very reason.
Elwynn itself fairs no better. Outside of Stormwind’s gates is a growing shack town, Goldshire sees little change aside from more regular guard patrols, and the poor and downtrodden can be spotted all throughout the forest. People go missing daily. Taken by gnolls, murlocs, or running away in hopes for better prospects.
Bandits prowl the edges of the woods, and rumors fly of Red Bandanas.
Redridge Range
Alliance Zone. Hub: Valestone Hamlet
The Kingdom of Stormwind has long controlled much of the Redridge Mountain chain, leading to families calling the many roads and valleys their home. It was a surprisingly peaceful place for a long time. The only threats were the gnolls, occasional robbers, and the Horde. Since the end of the Second War, the Horde’s threat has mostly vanished.
Yet, the Knights of Stormwind can no longer easily patrol the roads. They are understaffed, underpaid, and stretched thin as it is. Not only have the people in the mountains begun to lose work due to Stormwind’s financial crash, but their very homes have started to become less safe. Feral Undead from the Scourge crisis haunt the mountain trails. The Dark Horde has grown bold enough to start rising against mighty Stormwind. And the people? The people are growing disgruntled.
It’s very clear when coming here that agents of the Crown are starting to fall out of favor. Even in ‘helping’ restore order, you witness Red Bandanas in the woods and in old abandoned mines.
Redridge Valley
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: The Redridge Line. Horde Hub: Stonewatch Keep
It was once one of Stormwind’s largest provinces, wealthy and prosperous. Yet… the Scourge came. Redridge wasn’t prepared. Lakeshire was completely overrun, its villagers forced to flee while the meager guard force held the line. Yet, the Scourge weren’t this region’s greatest threat. The Dark Horde took advantage of the Scourge’s assault and conquered the land the humans evacuated.
Apparently the Horde itself knew of these events and quickly deployed a task force to engage with the hostile Dark Horde forces. Indeed, it seems that an element of the Forsaken has appeared in leagues with the Dark Horde and has been using the deceased humans of Redridge in experiments not dissimilar to the ones in Shadowfang Keep.
It’s an odd thing, seeing the Alliance and Horde fight the Horde.
Alliance Zone. Alliance Hub: Wrynn Harbor.
Abandoned by the Alliance for 40 years, Balor used to be one of Stormwind’s domains. Taken by the Horde, abandoned by the Horde, and left to rot by the new rulers of Stormwind; not much remains of the prior settlements of Balor. Only ruins. The people who once called this island home are glad to return.
Yet, Balor was never abandoned. The Dark Horde calls Balor home, just as much as the men who lost it do. In fact, a whole generation of demon-infused warriors now fight tooth and nail to hold onto one of their greatest seats of power. What was first seen as a chance to get the public back on the monarchy’s side has devolved into a war of attrition, shredding Alliance funds in the name of a veritable no-man’s land.
It seems Balor was one of the Legion’s many outposts during the Legionfall Campaign. Their efforts in the rest of the Southlands may have been sourced directly from this isle, which puts Stormwind under another deep veil of scrutiny. Balor is visible from Stormwind City. How did they not know?!
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Sentinel’s Retreat. Horde Hub: Powder-Rat
Westfall has been completely compromised. Their return was foreshadowed in the darker places, but the Alliance had no clue that their come to power would be so mighty. Vanessa VanCleef has declared war upon a diminished Stormwind, and the Kingdom has to answer for her.
Like fire, the Defias blazed through Westfall. Through Sentinel Hill, through any minor Alliance post or tower, and even through the barns of the royalist dogs who supported the Kingdom. Gryan Stoutmantle’s head rolled, and the New Dawn began.
The Alliance itself doesn’t wish to intervene. This is an entirely civil matter, and it would only reflect as tyranny if they imposed themselves. Their focus in their own inner problems prevents them from helping, as well. Stormwind is alone against the Defias. Worse still, the Defias are speaking to a wider crowd than ever before. The poor, the downtrodden, the disgruntled, and the downright debased have been whipped up into a frenzy by the Brotherhood’s new charge. Even if they’re beaten today, they won’t ever go back into hiding.
So, why is the Horde there? The Defias movement has grown larger than Stormwind alone. Red Bandanas have appeared within Goblin factories, Orcish Peon Labor Camps, and has begun to be the very symbol of anti-authority across Azeroth. They hope to stop the tide, before the Defias undermine more than the King of Stormwind.
Stranglethorn Jungle
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Fort Livingston. Horde Hub: Grom’gol
Mostly untouched by the Fourth War and the Scourge Crisis, Stranglethorn only sees any trouble due to the rise of the Dark Horde. A resurfaced Bleeding Hollow Clan (possibly composed of some of AU Gul’dan’s followers) has made contact with Zul’Gurub to see if they could get rid of a mutual problem.
The Gurubashi didn’t need any more strange and new powers, but now they play with demons and fel magic. Ogres, orcs, enslaved dragons, and even Bleeding Hollow giants can be seen alongside the Gurubashi’s greatest threats. Oh yeah, and the new Gurubashi leader enslaved a kraken using voodoo and fel magic. Great!
Alliance Zone. Alliance Hub: Blackhide’s Retreat
Darkshire was decimated and has hardly recovered. Even though it stood strong against a minor necromancer’s attempts to overwhelm the land, it is struggling. At least the Veiled Hand was destroyed.
They’re the Veiled Hand. Veiled. They went into hiding, like any Cult would when faced with destruction. Given the diminishing of Stormwind and the rise of the Dark Horde, this Legion Cult returned in a major way. Darkshire was put to the torch, feral beasts were stirred and set loose, and the undead are underneath their control.
The Scourge was originally a weapon of the Burning Legion, after all. It’s time it returned to its rightful masters.
The Swamp of Sorrows
Alliance and Horde zone. Alliance Hub: Fort Marshtide. Horde Hub: Stonard.
A dark shadow has long loomed over the Swamp of Sorrows. Unfortunately for the Alliance and Horde, the shadow is no longer being cast. It has risen.
Did they think the Burning Legion was ever going to stay away? Did they think that beating a meager portion of an infinite army was ever going to stop the Demons from returning? The Legion is endless. The Legion has returned.
The Dark Horde has rebuilt Rockard, has allied itself with the Atal’ai, and threatens the destruction of Stormwind. The First War never ended.
The Blasted Lands
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Surwich. Horde Hub: The Blasted Landing
Left empty by the conclusion of the Iron Horde’s threat to Azeroth, the Dark Portal has remained an eerie memento to Azeroth’s darkest hours. Only Surwich saw any activity, as it grew into a fairly sizable town due to the failure to reclaim Gilneas for many years.
The Legion never left.
They built a fortress in the shadow of the Dark Portal and now threaten a newfound invasion on Azeroth. Their corruption, their evil… it never died.
Much of the red, dead landscape has been revitalized through the horrible twisted magic of the Legion. Black trees, fetid swamps, and twisted beasts haunt a once desolate place.
Deadwind Pass
Alliance and Horde Zone. Neutral Hub: Karazhan Lobby
By any means necessary, the Kirin Tor must prevent the Legion from taking control of this tower. Khadgar, still missing, is no help as his tower is threatened by the Dark Horde and the Burning Legion.
The Crypts have been taken control of as the Legion recreates a more obedient Scourge. Dark Horde warlocks corrupt the Deadwind Ogres into brutes and magi, bringing more strength to the Dark Horde’s rise. Even here, the Forsaken conspire with the Dark Horde to gain rare resources and insights into the New Scourge.
A Legion controlled Karazhan could be catastrophic for all life on Azeroth.
Dun Morogh
Alliance Zone. Hub: Ironforge
Where Stormwind was once seen as the seat of the Alliance, Ironforge has begun to take that moniker. The Council of Three Hammers oversees an age of Dwarven Growth like no other. New portals and tram lines connect Ironforge to more and more of the world, and the newly rebuilt Menethil Harbor brings even more commerce down dwarven highways.
Truly, one could even call Dun Morogh boring. Troggs are still an ever persistent threat, mountain wildlife is impossible to tame, and the Dark Iron-- wait? The Dark Iron? Oh dear. The Cult of Ragnaros has seen quite the uptick, hasn’t it?
Oh, and there are Wildhammer who aren’t pleased with the peace with the Amani in the North? There are Bronzebeards who disagree with the prospective King of Dwarves?
While the Dwarves cannot say that they face anywhere near the strife of their human companion to the South, they do still see some upheaval in this age of great change.
Loch Modan
Alliance Zone. Hub: The Threeforge Dam, Thelsamar
In this age of Dwarven Growth, the Council of Three Hammers was able to fully restore the Stonewrought Dam. As Dark Iron, Wildhammer, and Bronzebeard alike pitched in to restore the Dam; it has been renamed to reflect this union of labor. Thus, the Loch is full again.
With that, the Twilight’s Hammer have actually seen a rise in power. Their fortress in the center of the empty Loch has become a proper compound, and they send envoys across the Loch to treat with the Ogres and corrupt the wildlife. In an even more troubling turn, the Dark Horde has made contact with what was once an Orcish Clan.
It appears the Twilight’s Hammer, at least in the East, are vaguely aligned with the Dark Horde.
The Highlands
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Thundermar. Horde Hub: Crushblow
Once the Twilight Highlands, the Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring were largely successful at purging the corruption within. Alexstrasza herself lent her purifying breath to heal the land.
The Dragonmaw Clan lost its leaders due to the Horde’s influence, and due to this, have returned to their prior affiliations. Dragonmaw Port and many other Dragonmaw settlements have been completely converted to the Dark Horde, demons and enslaved dragons a common sight within these places. The Demon Chain has fallen into the Dark Horde’s hands.
The Wildhammer fight against the rise of the Dark Horde, and the Horde comes to settle old grudges with the Dragonmaw.
Oh and the Twilight’s Hammer are still active near the destroyed Twilight Citadel. They don’t work too closely with the Dark Horde, but they are certainly not hostile to them.
The Dark Horde’s Capital seems to be Grim Batol. They no longer inhabit Blackrock Mountain, and their presence through Dark Iron land seems to be otherwise limited.
Alliance Zone. Hub: Kirthaven.
Hoping to restore their lost land, the Wildhammer use Kirthaven to launch an effort to tame and resettle Northeron. A frigid and mysterious place with mystical Ironwood trees, it is not so easy to tame. Abominations left over from the Cataclysm still yet roam. Their masters?
The Twilight’s Hammer use the Hollow of Iso’rath to continue their malefic strategies. Didn’t you know? The Old Ones never truly died.
The Wetlands
Alliance Zone. Hub: Menethil Harbor.
The land has largely healed, though scars remain, from the Cataclysm. Menethil Harbor has been restored and expanded, for it now sees trade from all across Azeroth. Kul Tiran Galleons can even be spotted in the Harbor.
Instead of fighting the Dark Iron or the horrors of the Cataclysm, the Wetlands are now threatened by the Dark Horde from Grim Batol as well as the Cult of Ragnaros. The Magna, the Dwarven Crime Syndicate, has also caused a great deal of trouble. They have offices and warehouses in Menethil Harbor. Technically, they’re welcome there.
Searing Gorge
Alliance and Horde Zone. Neutral Hub: The Cauldron.
With the threat of the Cult of Ragnaros and the Dark Horde threatening both Alliance and Horde interests, the Dark Iron have accepted both factions into their lands. The Thorium Brotherhood successfully has taken control of the Cauldron and uses its immense size both to vastly improve Dwarvish industry, but also as a base camp to fight against their foes.
Much of the Searing Gorge is a mission to defend Dark Iron industry, to stop Elemental summoning rituals, and to stop the Dark Horde from stealing Dark Iron plans.
Burning Steppes
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Shadowforge City. Neutral Hub: Chislegrip.
The Dark Iron have successfully built a lasting Kingdom in the shadow of Blackrock Mountain. Gone are the Dark Horde, gone are the Twilight’s Hammer, gone are the servants of N’zoth, gone at last are the Black Dragons. Nobody foresaw the Burning Steppes becoming a safe place to be, but we’re nearly in that world.
Moira, with the help of her fellow Councilors, works tirelessly to build a future for all dwarves. Still, that is not to say the Steppes are fully safe.
Far from it. Dark Horde camps still persist, corrupted elementals still rage, and the Molten Core still lies beneath their feet. The Firelands are not far. And the Cult of Ragnaros? It knows that.
They will see the restoration of their Lord. Though they fight with the Dark Horde, it seems the Dark Horde is doing all in their power to force the Cult to restore Ragnaros quicker.
The Badlands
Alliance and Horde Zone. Alliance Hub: Dragonwatch. Horde Hub: New Kargath.
The Shadow of the Worldbreaker still rests over this extreme environment. Though the Black Dragonflight has long since been forced from this region, Deathwing’s madness seems to have caused the land to further corrupt. The Alliance and Horde both are forced to handle corrupted elementals, maddened beasts, and things unearthed further by the landscape’s degredation.
It is like the Badlands have begun to melt inwards. This has revealed more and more of the Uldaman facility, giving the Reliquary and Explorer’s League quite a bit to bicker over. Everyone wants a piece of Titanic mysteries, after all.
Though, word of a Cyclical Forge have inspired Brann Bronzebeard and Tae’thelan to pour more resources in uncovering Uldaman’s knowledge. A shadowy organization has been known to give both groups headaches, later revealed to be Dormarch.
The Dark Horde
Dal’rend and Maim Blackhand’s deaths were crushing blows to the Dark Horde, but it was foolish to ever believe that the believers in the “True Horde” would ever let the ideology die out. The Dark Horde has remained mostly dormant since the deaths of its Warchiefs. That dormancy is over. Warchief Vox’nar Doomwalker has risen, groomed from birth by the last of the Shadow Council, to bring about the return of the True Horde.
Grim Batol is their Capital. Rockard, Balor, the Render’s War Camp, Dragonmaw Port, and many more locations are under their control.
The Cult of Ragnaros
The Firelord was believed to be forever slain. This still may be the truth, but the echoes of his power have certainly not faded. Those loyal to him still remain and still act as if he were still alive. Corruption, coercion, and destruction. They will not stop until all has been burnt and claimed by the power of flame.
One could consider them a spiritual successor to the Twilight’s Hammer, as they too seek a doomsday. Theirs is one of cleansing fire, to purify the world of those not blackened by flame.
The Defias Revolution
The Monarchy has failed its citizens far too many times. Sending men to a meat grinder, letting the Horde get away with atrocity after atrocity, and thrusting their land into poverty to fund a destructive war; it has forced the citizenry to question the purpose of an absolute ruler.
Vanessa VanCleef offers an answer, and this answer is proffered to more than the people of Stormwind. Corrupt rulers rule across all of Azeroth. Their actions and decrees have created a cycle to crush the weakest and promote the strongest, and this survival of the fittest has no place in the future.
It’s simple. Join the Revolution and overthrow the world.
The Uncrowned must be shaking in their boots, seeing what they caused. They might be next on the list.